Read James 1:1-8
When the going gets tough, the tough get…….? The old saying says that they get going. Where do they go? Do they run away from the tough times? Do they run head long into it, tackling it as best they can? Do they just simply run for the thrill of running?
From a Christian perspective the old saying should read, ‘When the going gets tough, the godly start praising’. Praising? That’s the consistent witness of the Scriptures. Why on earth should I praise God? There’s no reason on earth. It’s all in heaven! Jesus is Lord. God is sovereignly in control of all things. God is working all things for the good of those who love Him, even tough times. When we are in the midst of tough times we need to remember that God is at work. There is an outcome ahead that is glorifying to God. You and I are being used to bring glory to God.
Added to this, when we go through tough times we are like gold being refined in the fire. God is purging us of the sinful thoughts, tendencies and habits in our lives. God is purifying us and getting us ready for heaven. You can think of it like a surgeon cutting out the cancer that is invading our body. The surgery may be painful and it may take time to heal, but hallelujah it’s gone. God the great physician is cutting out the cancerous sin in our lives through the surgery of tough times. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
ü Pray that those in your congregation who are going through a tough time will be close to the Lord and able to rejoice in their struggles because God is at work in them.
ü Pray for our brothers and sisters in Iraq as they suffer immensely for the gospel. Pray that God would use them powerfully to bring others to the faith as they persevere and rejoice in their trials. Pray for strength, for patience and for godliness for our brothers as they suffer.
Do you know of anyone who is suffering at present?
Prayerfully think of one way to help that person rejoice and to praise God.
Do it today.
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