Read Mark 8:34-38
There are many philosophies and belief systems that talk of suffering in negative and derogatory terms. Some systems are so unloving and so calloused that they simply argue that any suffering in your life is your own fault because you either willed it to happen or you deserved it.
But the Christian makes a willing choice to suffer because our Lord and Saviour suffered for us. The believer in Christ will willingly take up the cross given to him and will carry it behind Jesus, walking resolutely in His footsteps.
This suffering could take many forms but is always joined to serving others, in some way, shape or form.
Suffering for the believer is not something that causes shame or a desire to hide. Suffering for Jesus is a cause of great joy.
The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.
While we are not facing death, disease or dismemberment for our mission week, it still is a form of taking up our cross and following him. The students with us this week have given up a week of their time to invest in our church and our community. The team of workers partnering on the mission have given up time, income, family commitments, work and so on to serve the Lord. There will be great joy as we serve together, as we work for the Lord’s kingdom and as we confess His name to those in our community who have yet to believe in Him.
m Ask God to bless the mission team and partners with endurance and perseverance. Pray that there will be a great sense of joy as the team works for and serves the Lord
m Pray that we would see many people come to the Lord in repentance and faith. Pray for many disciples to be made in these two weeks.
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