Read John 5:16-47
Who is Jesus? That’s a question that everyone needs to answer. Non believers could answer in several ways. Some would think He’s a lunatic. Some would think He’s a liar, a charlatan who deceived many. Others would ignore Him completely and refuse to answer. Still some would say He’s a legend that developed over time. To others He’s a good man who taught good and helpful things. Still to others He may be a figment of our religious imagination.
But look in the mirror this morning. Who is Jesus to you, personally? For believers, Jesus could be many things. He might be the healer we turn to find relief when the aches and pains light up. Sometimes He’s the genie we turn to who gives us “three wishes”. At other times He’s Dr Feel Good when we hate ourselves and need a pep talk. Maybe He’s the prosperity guru who’ll end our financial woes and raise us up from the poverty dump.
This is an important issue to consider because when Jesus walked on the earth He claimed to be none other than God. This is a huge claim and the Jews heard it and sought to stone Him (John 10:30-33). Now, if Jesus is God then I must worship Him as God. He is the one to whom I must fall prostrate. He is the one who’s will shall envelope mine. His will must override my own. His desires must become mine. I must learn to love what He loves and hate what He hates. I must learn to submit every department of my life to Him. He is the one I must obey with my words, my thoughts, my wallet, my emotions, my actions, my reactions, my assets, my desires, my ....
One of the most attractive things for the world to see about Christianity is devoted and serious believers who willingly obey Christ and submit all to Him. For quite some time the world has seen hypocritical Christianity. The problem is so bad that huge numbers have been flocking to other religions, to false gods, because they’ve seen hypocrisy in the Christian religion. It’s time to turn the tide by being serious for Jesus.
m Pray that more and more believers in your congregation would live for Jesus with their heart, soul, mind and strength. Pray that we would be a passionate people, declaring the wonders of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light.
m Pray that we would see many non believers at our out reach events over the next two weeks. Pray that the gospel will be clearly shared at each event and that many would be saved. Pray for a growth in the church through these two weeks.
Get Into It
Sit with a mature Christian who knows you relatively well and ask that person,
‘When you look at my life, what do you see about Jesus?’
Learn from their answer and change whatever needs changing.
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