Read Colossians 2:2-5
Sadly it’s true. Yes there are many teachings and beliefs in the world that are contrary to the Scriptures. That comes as no shock to you does it? What may comes as a shock is vs 3. In Jesus, God tells us, lies hidden all the treasures and wisdom of knowledge! Now that doesn’t mean that if you want to pass your Year 12 Science exam you can simply read your Bible.
But it does mean that all things, all teachings, all philosophies and all religions etc that contradict the Bible are wrong. Unfortunately many Christians hold up science, somewhat unwittingly and unknowingly, as their ultimate source of authority - even above the Bible! As soon as we seek to change the Bible to suit science or any other school of thought, this is exactly what we are doing.
There is the overwhelming belief that science is a non-opinioned search for factual truth. This is a whopping great big LIE! Some science may be stated fact, but most science (especially historical science) is simply an interpretation of the facts. I have personally heard, for example, of scientists who argue both for and against global warming. Both sides have the facts and interpret them differently. Scientists cannot agree on emotions and how and why they are present in humans. They simply interpret the “facts”.
As Paul writes to the Colossian church he wants to encourage them not to be sure that they are not deceived by fine sounding arguments. While they probably never dreamt of global warming or other scientific issues, they were face to face with theories and arguments that contradicted the Word just as we are.
You and I need to make sure that we are not deceived by fine sounding arguments. We need to cling to our Scriptures and trust that they are the true and abiding word of our Lord even when the experts of the world tell us otherwise. You and I need to be confident that in Christ Jesus lies all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom.
m Pray for the Kids Games morning. Ask God to bless the speakers, singers, coaches etc with spiritual unction so that they can bring many children to Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to use those children to take the message of new life home to their families.
m Pray that many of the fine sounding arguments against the gospel of Christ would be shown to be the lies that they really are. Pray that none of us would be deceived by them and that we would take these thoughts captive to make them obedient to Christ.
Get Into It!
Write down 3 opposing ideas or philosophies to the gospel. Write down how you would oppose each one through the use of Scripture.
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