Read Colossians 1:24-29
Perseverance. What thoughts come into your mind as you hear that word? I think of a well trained runner who runs a marathon, having carefully thought out his strategy of winning the race, of getting the gold medal.
Scripturally speaking we are not that different. We have a marathon to run - namely, this life. We are to run with perseverance the race marked out for us. We are to fight the good fight. We are to finish the race. In the words of Colossians we are to “continue in [our] faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel…”
The secret to Paul’s perseverance is many sided. He realised and
knew that his sufferings benefited others. The tough times and desert wanderings were not pointless and without meaning. God was in control through all of them and was working out His plan of bringing the church to Himself, pure and blameless. Paul also rejoiced throughout the sufferings. He had a godly view of the world and his place in the world. He never demanded anything of God and never wanted to be anywhere but in the centre of God’s will for his life, even if that meant suffering. Paul’s goal was Christ centred. He was not focused on work, money, house building or anything of the sort. His goal was to present everyone perfect in Christ. His goal was to do the works that God has prepared in advance for him to do. Finally, Paul laboured and strove with His energy that so powerfully worked in him. Paul’s life was not run in his own strength but he was energised by the indwelling Holy Spirit. All that Paul did, he did in His strength.
In this world you will see tough times. You will wander through deserts. You will be persecuted for your faith. But remember that you have God on your side. You have been called to take up your cross and to follow Jesus. You have been called to deny yourself and to walk the road that Jesus walked. My brother and sister in Christ, persevere. Fight the good fight. Run the race with perseverance. Fix your eyes on Jesus Christ who sits in the heavenlies at the right hand side of God the Father.
ü Pray for perseverance for our brothers and sisters in Vietnam as they suffer attack, persecution and economic deprivation for their faith in Jesus. Pray that they will be strengthened in their faith. Ask God to use them to bring more and more people into the kingdom as they live for Jesus alone.
ü Pray that we will persevere through a long two weeks of mission coming up. Pray that God will grant us all we need to faithfully proclaim the gospel over the two week mission period.
Who do you know of that is struggling or going through a tough time at the moment?
Prayerfully consider one way to encourage that person. Do it today.
Jesus, be the centre...