Read Mark 8:27-33
It’s no surprise that people today are confused about Christ Jesus. Even when He walked about on our planet, people were confused about His identity. Some thought He was John the Baptist , recycled. Some thought He was the ‘Elijah’ that was to come. Others thought He was one of the prophets.
Peter, however, hit the nail on the head. When asked by Jesus who He thought He really was Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah’. Peter was exclaiming that Jesus was the chosen one of God, anointed by God and set apart as His own Son to rule the world in justice and truth.
As soon as Peter confesses Jesus to be the Christ/Messiah, Jesus starts talking about His impending death and resurrection. Chapter 8 thus forms the focal point of Mark’s gospel. But notice Peter’s reaction. He took Jesus aside and began to rebuke Him. I wonder what strong words Peter used to stop Jesus talking about His upcoming death upon the cross!
But immediately Jesus turned the tables with the strong words, ‘Get behind me satan’. Jesus knew He had to go to the cross. Jesus knew He had to be forsaken by the Father to take away the sins of the world. Jesus knew He had to suffer the wrath of God in our place. Nothing, absolutely nothing, would stop Him from achieving His goal.
As we proceed with mission week, you and I need to realise that the message of new life in Christ Jesus MUST be a message about the death and resurrection of Jesus for our sins. When we tell people the good news we have to call them to repent and to believe in Christ Jesus– otherwise it’s not the gospel of good news, it’s just information.
m Pray that the men’s chef night will see many non believers come to the Lord in faith and repentance. Pray for Simon as he demonstrates cooking and for the preacher/speaker. Ask God to use these men to lead many into the kingdom.
m Pray that the believers will side up next to unbelievers and make opportunities to share the good news.
m Pray for the day time activities (door knocking, surveying, RI etc) of the students.
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