Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Monday September 6, 2010

Read John 3:16-21

We’re gearing up for 2 weeks of mission here at Christlife Presbyterian Church. It is going to be a fantastic time of praising God as the gospel goes out into the world.

But just stop a moment to think about why it’s so hard to bring the gospel to people. Why is it often like talking to a brick? Why do my unbelieving friends and family find it so hard to understand what I’m telling them about Christ Jesus?

Part of the answer is in John 3:16-21. Light has come into the world. The light of salvation has shone into our existence. But the world  is under the control of the evil one. The world has been blinded by the prince of this age. And so we read that men loved darkness instead of light. They will not enter into the light because they will feel the condemnation of the weight of their sinfulness. They will stay in the darkness so that they can avoid the truth that their deeds are evil. Even though we know that this guilt is good because it pushes us to find salvation in Christ, they don’t yet know it because they are still under the control of the evil one. He doesn't want them to hear the gospel and to be saved. Of course, he’s going to distract them with fun, games, money, sexuality and preoccupation with ‘self’. Of course he’s going to make them angry with you. Of course he’s going to drown out the gospel in any way he can. This is the heart of spiritual warfare!

Before we look at what we can do, think deeply about vs 18. Have you ever realised there are no fence sitters? Anyone who does not believe in Jesus is already condemned. They are standing under the wrath of God already. If they were to die right now they would be accursed for all eternity. It’s a picture that sends a shudder down my spine as I think of people I love that refuse to come to Christ. There will be no tallying of deeds on the day of judgement. There will be no decisions for God to make because they are already condemned. How scary!

But there is something we can do. Read vs 16 again. Anyone, anyone at all who believes in Jesus will not perish eternally but will have eternal life. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

So what can I do? First and foremost, pray. Pray that God will grant the people you know with love, repentance and faith in Jesus. Secondly, pray for opportunities to share the good news with those people. Have coffee with them and share your faith. Invite them to the events over the next 2 weeks. Do whatever it takes to get them to hear the gospel. It’s the only hope they have. Tomorrow could be too late.


m As mission approaches pray that God would prepare the college team and each of us for a frantic, yet glorious week of intense gospel work. Pray that the community around us would be ready to hear the gospel and to respond positively. Pray that the Kingdom of God would grow through this fortnight of mission activity.

m Pray that the Lord would bind up the evil one and his henchmen/servants over the two weeks of mission, so that we would see many many people come to the Lord in repentance and faith. Ask God to fill the speakers and presenters with His Holy Spirit so that they can speak powerfully and convict many of their need to repent and have faith in Jesus.

Get Into it !

Write down the names of 3 people you would love to see come to the Lord in repentance and faith.




Pray for each one and ask God to allow you to share the good news with them.

Ring each one and make a time to chat.

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