Thursday, 30 September 2010

Thursday September 30, 2010

Read 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

As we read from Colossians that Jesus defeated every enemy, triumphing over them by the cross, we have to examine the battle each one of us faces daily with temptation. Granted, we are all tempted by different things and different issues, but the truth remains, we are all tempted. Even Jesus was tempted.

But what does the victorious, risen Lord do for us in the hour of temptation?

1 Cor 10:13 is a wonderful promise.

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Several points need to be made as we read this promise:-

µ God does not promise to take away temptation. He promises us a way through it. Expecting temptation to end in this life is a false and unbiblical expectation.

µ God will allow temptation into our lives only to a point which we can bear. Those times when we regrettably gave into temptation were our choices and fall on our heads. God is not to blame for tempting me too much.

µ God will provide a way out of temptation. He provides the way and it’s often up to us to take that way, to walk along the route that He has provided.

µ We can choose not to take His provision to stand up under temptation. We can choose to give into temptation. Don’t be fooled. This does not please the Lord.

From experience (my own and from others) has taught me that God provides a way out in several forms. Sometimes He will grant the supernatural power to walk away from temptation. Praise God when He does. At other times he will provide a verse or portion of Scripture to meditate on and to strengthen us. It’s very hard, for example, to be greedy and covetous when a relevant verse is enlarged in our heart and mind. At other times He will bring along a brother or sister to aid us in the hour of temptation. Again, we can seek their help or we can lie and deceive them that all is ok with us. Still at other times He will intervene and remove the temptation from before us.

Often what happens in temptation is very subtle and dangerous. When we begin to face temptation, the urge or the desire wells up within us. Sometimes we begin to look for excuses or reasons why we should indulge our passions or lusts. We begin to justify our plan to indulge. We begin to make an excuse for it. Sometimes we’ll play around with that excuse for some time before we indulge. When our bodily passions are fully ignited, we indulge.

It’s at that early stage that we need to pray and to seek God’s deliverance out of temptation. Flirting with it is dangerous and foolish. Pray. Ask God to give you a way out before it’s too late. Ring a brother or sister and get prayer and practical help. Do what ever it takes to nip sin and temptation in the bud.

God has promised a way out of temptation. No wonder the very next verse says, “Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.”.


m Pray for your church leaders, session, teachers, preachers, youth leaders, cell leaders and kids work leaders. Pray that God would provide avenues of escape for them in the hour of temptation. Ask God to make these men and women strong in the Lord, people filled with integrity and the ability to walk continually on paths of righteousness.

m If you struggle with a particular kind of temptation or source of temptation pray that God would release you from that temptation and that He’ll provide a mechanism to keep it in check, once for all.

Get Into It!

If you struggle with temptation, ring a trusted mature Christian friend and ask them to be praying with you.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Wednesday September 29, 2010

Read Mark 15:16-16:39

The scene of Jesus’ crucifixion and death had many intricate and amazingly glorious details. Who among the throng and the crowd could not have noticed this one concerning the Roman centurion that knelt to confess Jesus as Lord?

As a Roman soldier assigned to the Jesus’ case, he would have no doubt seen Jesus much earlier that day. It’s highly probable that he was in the arrest party searching for Jesus and bringing Him in as a captive.

It’s possible that he was there guarding the captive during the interrogation. Maybe he joined in the insults and the mocking. Maybe he laughed and cajoled Jesus as He wore the crown of thorns and endured the whipping.  Maybe he partook of the several beatings that Jesus received.  It’s probable that he mocked and insulted the Lord of Grace.

Whatever role this Roman centurion played, we can be sure that he had witnessed the entire panoply of events - the arrest, the interrogation, the whipping and beatings, the carrying of the cross, the involuntary addition of Simon, the nailing, the darkness, the splitting rocks, the dead bodies raised to life, the darkness, the tearing of the curtain in the temple and Jesus’ last words before His spirit departed.  At the crucial hour of 3 in the afternoon, he stood in front of a pathetic and bloodied victim of Roman brutality and Jewish connivery. Being a Roman soldier he had no reason to get emotionally involved. He had no reason to trust this figure hanging from the cross. He had no reason to change his mind. But watching this Jesus die was just too much to bear. When he had seen all that transpired, this soldier confessed, “Surely this man was the Son of God”.

There in lies the victory that Christ wins every time another sinner repents and believes in Jesus. Whenever another person turns to the Lord for salvation that cry is heard again, ‘Surely this man is  the Son of God’.


m Pray for three people that you would love to hear say, “Surely Jesus is the Son of God”. Pray that God would grant them faith and repentance in Christ Jesus. Pray that God would be pleased to use you in relationship with these people, to bring them to Himself.

m Pray that every church in Australia would come again to realise that our mission is to make disciples throughout all the world. Pray that those churches who have turned askew from this mission would repent and come back to it. Pray for a revival to start in your congregation and to flow outwards.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Tuesday September 28, 2010

Read Colossians 2:15. Revelation 5:7-12

It’s often hard to see Jesus as victorious right now isn’t it? Think about the world we live in. It’s still filled with violence. There is still hatred. There is still disease and death and dying. There is still sin!

But the Word of God assures us that Jesus has been victorious. He has defeated the powers and authorities, triumphing over them by the cross! Jesus’ resurrection was the crowning victory that brings hope and eternity to all who believe in Him. And we are assured that one day the risen Lord Jesus will return and He will gather the  elect to  Himself. He will judge the wicked and the evil. He will repay those who have hated Him and worked against Him. When Death and Hades have been finally defeated He will open paradise for you and I and all who believe.  You and I will see that heavenly scene where the elders and angels and creatures bow down to the Lord Jesus Christ. You and I will witness every tongue in heaven and on the earth and under the earth confessing “Jesus Christ is Lord”, to the glory of God the Father.

But for now we wait patiently as we fight the good fight, straining and striving for our heavenly inheritance. We fight and we strive because He is victorious, not to win the victory.

As 1 Peter 1:8-9 says:-

Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.


m Pray that our brothers and sisters in Christ  in Iraq and Iran would know the victory of Christ as they struggle and fight the good fight each and every day. Pray that they will stand strong in the face of opposition, shining the light of Jesus and proclaiming the gospel.

m Pray that we would valiantly stand up for the truth of God’s word and willingly put on our spiritual armour to fight the true battle. Pray for those in your congregation who may need encouragement and uplifting at this time.

Get Into It!

Spend a few moments describing heaven.

Find bible verses that describe heaven. Pray that you can share this with someone today.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Monday September 27, 2010

Read Colossians 2:13-15

The Bible makes no bones about our condition before we were saved by Jesus. We were NOT nice, well to do people. We were not top candidates for salvation. We were not on the A list of good points earners. (I know that’s a hard pill to swallow). But read vs 13 again. We were dead in our transgressions. We were under the power of the evil one. We were held in chains to our lusts, passions and sins. We were, in Old Testament language, uncircumcised in our heart.

But God took us out of that deadness and made us alive with Christ.  He breathed new birth into us. He gave us eternal life. He actually took the law that was against us—all the accusations, all the demerits and He nailed them to the cross with Christ Jesus.  Every sinful thought, every harsh and abusive word, every act of vengeance, every lust and every ounce of greed that exists in me and you was nailed to the cross. The punishment was paid in full. The words ‘Fully Pardoned’ were irreversibly and irrevocably stamped on our release papers.

It’s hard to be proud and uppity when we realise that everything we have in terms of our salvation is from God. That’s exactly the way that He wants it. Salvation is a gift of grace from God to us. As we realise this more and  more in our own lives, we will readily, even joyously, share that gift with those in our world who desperately need it. Who in your world needs the gift of salvation? I pray that you and I are never too proud to share it with them.


m Spend time praising God for the two weeks of mission we’ve had earlier. Pray that we’ll be able to follow up any contacts and God willing, continue to see Him powerfully at work in people’s lives.

m Pray that God would use each one of us to build relationship with non believers and to share with them the good news of life in Christ.

Get Into It!

Write out your testimony and pray for opportunities to share it with others today.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Saturday September 25, 2010

Read Colossians 2:1-12

Do you understand what Christ has done for you? Of course you do! But have you ever realised that circumcision of the Old Testament is akin to baptism in the New Testament?

But let’s back track a little bit. When God called Abram out of Ur of the Chaldeans He entered into a covenant with him. The sign of the covenant was circumcision. Interestingly, not only Abram (later called Abraham) was circumcised. All his family (males) and servants were circumcised as well. God entered into a covenant with Abram and his family entered into it as well, because Abram was the head of the household. Circumcision was a symbolic removal of sin. Joshua 5:7-9 shows the relationship with the ritual and the removal of sin.

You and I have entered into the New Covenant with God through Christ Jesus. In effect, we have the sign of the New Covenant  that is the Old Testament equivalent.

How did I come to this conclusion? Look at Colossians 2:11-12.

You and I were circumcised in Jesus. You simply cannot get a greater link to OT circumcision and baptism than this verse right here.  Our sinful nature was put off or cut off when God entered into the New Covenant with us. We were buried with Christ in our baptism and raised with Him through faith in the power of God. The symbolic nature of the washing of water (see 1 Peter 3:21) is parallel to the symbolic nature of the removal of sin through circumcision.

The Covenant that was initiated with Abraham has been fulfilled in Christ and you have been included through the circumcision done by Christ Jesus.


m Pray that you and your brothers and sisters would be ready to stand before God tomorrow and worship Him in purity and truth.

m Pray that our worship will be acceptable.

m Pray for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan who are undergoing a terrible trial by fire. Pray for strength, for courage and for the Spirit given ability to love their enemies, bless them and to minister Christ to them.

Get Into It!

Ring another believer and ask how you can be praying for him/her/them before our church gathering tomorrow.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Friday September 24, 2010

Read Colossians 2:9-10

The evil one seeks to lead believers astray. He wants to dampen our enthusiasm. He wants to make our lives unproductive and unfruitful for the gospel. He will use lies, deceits, dread and distractions to sabotage your Christian witness. He will do anything to stop you from sharing Christ with others and even from growing closer to your Lord and Saviour.

In face of this attack, what do we have? What can we be doing. Read vs 9-10 again.

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.

In Jesus you have been given His fullness. Jesus is the head over every authority and power. Because you have His fullness, you have His headship, His authority with you as well.

In Christ you have the equipping and the empowering to stand up to the lies and deceits of the world and the evil one.


m Praise God for the two weeks of mission that we’ve had. Praise God for every single individual that has been involved and supported/partnered in the mission.

m Pray that the teams partnering with the mission will have adequate and blessed rest. Pray that God would reward them for their dedication, their hard work and their faithfulness.

Get Into It!

Discuss the implications of having the fullness of Christ with another mature believer.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Thursday September 23, 2010

Read Colossians 2:8-10

Even though I have worked with people who have been in prison, I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be a prisoner. I can’t imagine (and I don’t want to imagine) what it’s like to be held captive. What would it have been like to be in Jerusalem when Babylon invaded and took the prisoners captive? What would it have been like in Germany to be a Jew and to be taken captive?

The Lord does not want you or I to be taken captive (a prisoner  against our own desires and will) through the deceptive teachings of the world. These philosophies, or ways of thinking, that are contrary to the Bible are described as being hollow and deceptive. They are there to deceive us, to lead us astray.  We are also told that these philosophies depend on human tradition and the basic principles of the world. They do not come from Christ and they are not built on Christ. Unfortunately, the church has been racked with traditions and teachings that contradict the Bible, Paul himself will expand a few later on - Don’t eat that. Don’t touch that. Don’t get married. That table is holy. That water is holy... and on and on it goes.

Any teaching that contradicts the Scripture, the Word of God, from any department or discipline, is to be rejected.

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.


m Ask God to unite the team of Kids workers this week with love, patience, unity and oneness. Pray that they will be able to see the eternal importance of their work.

m Pray for opportunities for adult helpers to talk with parents and to share the good news with them.

m Pray that the Kingdom of God would grow through these two weeks of mission.

Get Into It!

Spend the day keeping an eye out for deceptive arguments. Prepare a biblical rebuke for each one you find. Share this with someone else.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Wednesday September 22, 2010

Read Colossians 2:5-7

The world is moving away from God at an ever increasing rate. Films, books, academic departments and other religions are increasingly seeking to stamp out Christianity or to ridicule the faith we have. There is a full scale war being declared and ordinary believers, like you and I, are caught in the middle.

There are several things you and I can be doing to help us fight the good fight, to equip each other with the resources to stand firm, to keep hold of the faith and to be victorious in Christ Jesus. Burying our head in the sand is not one of those things!

Firstly, we can continue to live in Christ. The phrase ‘in Christ’ occurs many times in the bible (some 91 times in NIV). It basically means that we have salvation in Him. We are in relationship with Him and through Him we have been adopted as children of the living God. To live in Christ is to acknowledge Him with ever step. It is to walk in unison with Him, to allow Him to walk beside you every day. It means to seek Him in every decision, to call upon Him at every junction and to use His power for everything we do.

We are also to be rooted and built up in Him. This mixed metaphor picks up two common images. Firstly a tree sends roots deep down in the soil to the water. As we immerse ourselves in the Bible and learn and grow in Christ, we are sending roots deep into the soil of the Word. As we grow in love for Christ we are sending deep roots down in Him. The other metaphor picks up  the notion of building a building. In Jesus we are being built up into a spiritual household that serves and loves God. This building up occurs as we sharpen each other, as we teach and admonish one another and as we encourage one another to be more like Christ each and every day.

Thirdly, we are to be strengthened in The Faith. ‘The Faith’ is a technical term that basically means our biblical understanding. We can be strengthened in many ways - attending church, fellowshipping with other zealous Christians, being discipled or discipling another, and reading the Word and praying regularly.

Whatever form our growth and maturity takes (for that is what we are really talking about) there are three common elements -

remain in your Bible and know it more and more

remain in deep fellowship with the Lord and

remain in deep fellowship with each other.


m The kids mission week is in full swing. We are at the median point. Pray for perseverance for the entire team. Ask God to fill the team with a sense of joy and passion as they do His work.

m Continue to pray for the harvest to come in through this work.

Get Into It!

Think of one way you can help build up another believer today.

Write it down and do it.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Tuesday September 21, 2010

Read Colossians 2:2-5

Sadly it’s true. Yes there are many teachings and beliefs in the world that are contrary to the Scriptures. That comes as no shock to you does it? What may comes as a shock is vs  3. In Jesus, God tells us, lies hidden all the treasures and wisdom of knowledge! Now that doesn’t mean that if you want to pass your Year 12 Science exam you can simply read your Bible.

But it does mean that all things, all teachings, all philosophies and all religions etc that contradict the Bible are wrong. Unfortunately many Christians hold up science, somewhat unwittingly and unknowingly, as their ultimate source of authority - even above the Bible! As soon as we seek to change the Bible to suit science or any other school of thought,  this is exactly what we are doing.

There is the overwhelming belief that science is a non-opinioned search for factual truth. This is a whopping great big LIE! Some science may be stated fact, but most science (especially historical science) is simply an interpretation of the facts. I have personally heard, for example, of scientists who argue both for and against global warming. Both sides have the facts and interpret them differently. Scientists cannot agree on emotions and how and why they are present in humans. They simply interpret the “facts”.

As Paul writes to the Colossian church he wants to  encourage them not to be sure that they are not deceived by fine sounding arguments. While they probably never dreamt of global warming or other scientific issues, they were face to face with theories and arguments that contradicted the Word just as we are.

You and I need to make sure that we are not deceived by fine sounding arguments. We need to cling to our Scriptures and trust that they are the true and abiding word of our Lord even when the experts of the world tell us otherwise. You and I need to be confident that in Christ Jesus lies all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom.


m Pray for the Kids Games morning. Ask God to bless the speakers, singers, coaches etc with spiritual unction so that they can bring many children to Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to use those children to take the message of new life home to their families.

m Pray that many of the fine sounding arguments against the gospel of Christ would be shown to be the lies that they really are. Pray that none of us would be deceived by them and that we would take these thoughts captive to make them obedient to Christ.

Get Into It!

Write down 3 opposing ideas or philosophies to the gospel. Write down how you would oppose each one through the use of Scripture.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Monday September 20, 2010

Read Colossians 2:1-5

Paul was no stranger to suffering.  He willingly put himself on the line and he willingly went to jail and suffered persecution for the sake of the church.  Paul’s whole life was geared towards serving the church.  He worked tirelessly for the benefit of those in the church. In these few verses we gain some insights into Paul's motives and heart.

Paul desperately wanted the church to grow in unity and to be encouraged. He wanted them to grow closer together and deeper in each other and deeper in the Lord. Why did he want this?  Paul wanted the church to have the full riches, the full blessedness of knowing Christ Jesus.  As we’ve said many times over, we are not talking about head knowledge or mental assent to some distant truths. When the Bible talks about knowledge, it talks about intimate and personal knowledge that includes deep relationship.

But notice the prerequisites for knowledge of Christ. We must be encouraged in heart and united in love. In community we find and learn that Christ, our God, is communal. There are no lone ranger Christians in the Bible. Fellowship - loving, deep, rich fellowship - is a vital and staple part of every serious Christian’s diet. Without fellowship, there can be little if any growth in Christian character. We may know more about Christ (in the worldly sense of ‘knowing’) but without fellowship we will never experience that knowledge of Christ. We will never receive it, nor put it into practice. And the Bible is clear.  If we cannot love our brother whom we can see, we cannot love God whom we cannot see - 1 John 4:20.

Paul was willing to struggle and suffer so the church could have deep and rich fellowship. What are you and I willing to give to ensure that the church has deep and rich fellowship? To what lengths will we go? How will we support the fellowship in our church?


m Pray for the Kids Games mission this week. We have children’s activities for the first week of school holidays each day until 12:30pm. Pray that God would provide the human, non human and financial resources we need. Pray that many children would come along and hear the gospel clearly presented. Pray that they would take the good news home and that we’d see many conversions this week.

Pray for the speakers this week as they seek to share the faith with the children. Ask God for creativity, clarity and compassion as they teach the children.

Get Into It!

Why not see if you can help out in the Kids Games activities today or tomorrow.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Read Mark 12: 28 –31

When Jesus gave us the great commission in Matthew 28 He told us to teach the new disciples.  While there are many things we can teach them, ultimately we have to teach them to love the Lord with their entire being.  This means, as Jesus tells us, loving Jesus with our heart, with our soul, with our mind.

It is a lifelong process to bring the heart and mind in line with God’s word.  As we mature in Christ we grow to love Him more with our emotions, with our thoughts with everything we have.  Overtime our negative emotions will grow dimmer as our love for the Lord and others blossoms. Our sinful and ungodly thoughts will dissipate as we think about things that are holy and pleasing to the Lord. Our ‘things’, our toys and possessions, will be more and more used for the glory of the Lord and for His kingdom.

As a mature Christian, you have the wonderful privilege of being able to disciple a younger believer.  Why not find a new convert this weekend and enter into a discipling relationship.  You can then help another believer grow and mature in their love for the Lord.


m Pray that the volleyball event this afternoon will bring many non Christian teenagers along.  Pray for their conversion.  Pray for those who will share their testimony.

m Pray for the “Death by Chocolate night”.  Ask God to use the speakers powerfully for His Glory.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will bring many people to Christ.

Get Into It!

Pray that God would show you who to enter into a discipling relationship with tomorrow.

Friday, 17 September 2010

Friday September 17, 2010

Read Mark 11:19-25

As the mission week continues we need to remember the place of faith in our mission.  As the disciples were heading into Jerusalem, they saw a fig tree that had withered from the roots up.  The remembered that Jesus had cursed the fig tree and they were amazed.

Jesus told them to have faith in God.  He told them that if they had faith they could say to this mountain, ‘Go throw yourself in the sea,’  and it will be done for them.  The overriding condition was to believe and not doubt.  Jesus then followed with additional teaching.  Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe it is yours and you will receive it.  This is not a mantra to get whatever we want but a condition vital for fruitful prayer.

As we spend time praying through mission week, let us believe that God has both the power and the desire to bring in non Christians into His presence.  God longs for men to be saved.  He takes pleasure in the death of no one.  As we pray, we can pray with confidence that God hears our prayers and that our prayers are in line with the Bible.  You and I can confidently stand before God asking for the salvation of non believers.


m Pray that God would grant each one of us a growth in our faith.  Ask God for a growing knowledge and a growing experience of his ability to do the impossible.

m Pray that we will see many people coming to the kingdom through this week’s activities.  Pray that the kingdom of God would grow.

m Pray that the movie night or games night would be successful in growing the kingdom of our Lord.  Pray that there will be many Christians present to talk to non Christians and to share the good news with them.

Get Into It!

Find out what’s happening on mission today and see how you can get involved.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Thursday September 16, 2010

Read Mark 10:28-31 & Acts 4:32

When people are presented with the gospel for the first time and are thinking through the implications of becoming Christian and following the Lord, they often consider the things they will lose in converting to Christ. They think of  the things they might have to forsake to enter the Kingdom of God.

Jesus knows that as a believer we may have to give up or lose certain things for the sake of the kingdom.  What reassuring words we hear from His lips, to quell those fears.  Those who have lost family, friends , houses and so on will receive a hundred times as much in this age. But even more so, they will also receive eternal life in the next age.

The early church captured the essence of the teaching of Jesus here. They willingly sold their possessions and gave to the needy. People considered nothing they owned to be their own and they willingly shared all they had. What a beautiful portrait of what Jesus taught in Mark 10.  How attractive would Christianity be to the lost world if our churches were this generous and other centred? How many non believers would grace the steps of our churches if they could see the poor being relieved, the destitute being clothed, the hungry being fed, the homeless being housed and so on. How we would see a revival as we truly worship the Lord our God with our heart, soul, mind and strength.


m Pray for the Straight Talk session tonight. Again ask the Lord to bring along many teenagers and their parents to hear about a better alternative to the sexuality of the world - namely abstinence until marriage.

m Pray that Jim and Faye Lyons would have a great opportunity to speak about the grace of the Lord and to bring hope and new life to whole families.

m Pray that God’s forgiveness would shine through.

m Pray that there would be many believers saddling up to non believers to share the gospel with them.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Wednesday September 15, 2010

Read Mark 8:34-38

There are many philosophies and belief systems that talk of suffering in negative and derogatory terms. Some systems are so unloving and so calloused that they simply argue that any suffering in your life is your own fault because you either willed it to happen or you deserved it.

But the Christian makes a willing choice to suffer because our Lord and Saviour suffered for us. The believer in Christ will willingly take up the cross given to him and will carry it behind Jesus, walking resolutely in His footsteps.

This suffering could take many forms but is always joined to serving others, in some way, shape or form.

Suffering for the believer is not something that causes shame or a desire to hide. Suffering for Jesus is a cause of great joy.

The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.

While we are not facing death, disease or dismemberment for our mission week, it still is a form of taking up our cross and following him. The students with us this week have given up a week of their time to invest in our church and our community. The team of workers partnering on the mission have given up time, income, family commitments, work and so on to serve the Lord. There will be great joy as we serve together, as we work for the Lord’s kingdom and as we confess His name to those in our community who have yet to believe in Him.


m Ask God to bless the mission team and partners with endurance and perseverance. Pray that there will be a great sense of joy as the team works for and serves the Lord

m Pray that we would see many people come to the Lord in repentance and faith. Pray for many disciples to be made in these two weeks.

Get Into It!

Find out what’s happening on mission today and see how you can get involved.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Tuesday September 14, 2010

Read Mark 8:27-33

It’s no surprise that people today are confused about Christ Jesus. Even when He walked about on our planet, people were confused about His identity. Some thought He was John the Baptist , recycled. Some thought He was the ‘Elijah’ that was to come. Others thought He was one of the prophets.

Peter, however, hit the nail on the head. When asked by Jesus who He thought He really was Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah’. Peter was exclaiming that Jesus was the chosen one of God, anointed by God and set apart as His own Son to rule the world in justice and truth.

As soon as Peter confesses Jesus to be the Christ/Messiah, Jesus starts talking about His impending death and resurrection. Chapter 8 thus forms the focal point of Mark’s gospel. But notice Peter’s reaction. He took Jesus aside and began to rebuke Him. I wonder what strong words Peter used to stop Jesus talking about His upcoming death upon the cross!

But immediately Jesus turned the tables with the strong words, ‘Get behind me satan’. Jesus knew He had to go to the cross.  Jesus knew He had to be forsaken by the Father to take away the sins of the world. Jesus knew He had to suffer the wrath of God in our place. Nothing, absolutely nothing, would stop Him from achieving His goal.

As we proceed with mission week, you and I need to realise that the message of new life in Christ Jesus MUST be a message about the death and resurrection of Jesus for our sins. When we tell people the good news we have to  call them to repent and to believe in Christ Jesus– otherwise it’s not the gospel of good news, it’s just information.


m Pray that the men’s chef night will see many non believers come to the Lord in faith and repentance. Pray for Simon as he demonstrates cooking and for the preacher/speaker. Ask God to use these men to lead many into the kingdom.

m Pray that the believers will side up next to unbelievers and make opportunities to share the good news.

m Pray for the day time activities (door knocking, surveying, RI etc) of the students.

Get Into It!

Find out what’s happening on mission today and see how you can get involved.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Monday September 13, 2010

Read Mark 10:42-45

Mission week has commenced. This week is going to be a jam packed week of activities, programs and events. With the college team present we hope to reach as many students as possible with the gospel, the good news of Christ Jesus.

What does all this mean? Basically it means that for everyone who believes in Jesus does have new life. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved from the coming judgement. Everyone who loves the Lord will be filled with the Holy Spirit, empowered and equipped to love the Lord with his heart, soul, mind and strength.

Jesus, in fact, came into this world to give His life as a ransom for many - for all who believe in Him, He gave the right to become children of God. Jesus came not as a royal son, but as an ordinary man and died with criminals, so that the justice of God could be satisfied. He died as our substitute so that we can have true, eternal life with God as our heavenly Father.


m Pray that we will see many women come to the lady’s pampering night tonight. Pray that there will be many non Christians present. Ask God to prepare their hearts and to allow them to respond positively to the gospel message.

m Pray that the speaker tonight would have a clear and concise explanation of the Gospel. Pray for the unction of the Holy Spirit so that hearers can be struck with the Word of God and brought to salvation.

m As the students run seminars and SRI lessons in different schools, pray for receptive ears and open hearts to receive the gospel. Pray that God’s Word would be powerful and active today.

Get Into It!

Find out what’s happening on mission today and see how you can get involved.

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Saturday September 11, 2010

Read John 8:42-47

September 11 marks a tragic day in history. As you are well aware it’s the day that terrorists hijacked three planes and crashed them into the World Trade Centre buildings and the US Pentagon. Many people needlessly lost their lives. As you think about the many different tragedies of the world, have you ever sought to uncover their source? Have you ever wondered why we have such tragedies?

The answer is as simple as it is complex. We are in the throes of a spiritual battle. Kingdom has risen against kingdom. The evil one is waging war and believers, all believers are on the front line - even though some believers live like they are on R & R at a tourist resort!

The world is made up of two groups of people - believers and non believers. In Jesus’ day, the non believers sought to shut Jesus up, to remove Him and to kill Him. They didn’t believe His claims to be from God, to be God’s offering to the world and to be God in the flesh. Because they were children of the devil, they sought to do the devil’s work.

The situation is no different today. Over the next two weeks we will be embarking on a voyage of gospel sharing. Do not be surprised if the evil one seeks to bring disunity, disruption and disintegration as we seek to do God’s work. Do not be surprised if we face opposition and negativity from outside. It’s the evil one attacking us to make sure that the gospel doesn’t get out.

I strongly urge you, encourage you and exhort you to be prayerful this next fortnight. Pray continually as the Scriptures say. Pray without ceasing. Lift up every event, every person, every speaker to the Lord in prayer. Let me exhort you to spend more time this fortnight on your knees in prayer than you have ever spent in your life. Whenever you have a spare moment, use that moment to pray. When you wake up in the morning, pray for the mission fortnight. In your breaks, pray. In your spare time, pray. It’s radical but it’s absolutely necessarily vital. I can’t stress it strongly enough. The evil one is at work and is seeking to destroy our mission to bring salvation to the world.

This battle will be won through prayer.


m Pray that the next two weeks of mission will see many brought to the Lord for salvation. Pray that the evil one would be bound up and shackled so that captives can be released from the dungeons, so that the blind can see, the deaf hear. Pray that God’s Word will work miracles and wonders to bring many to the faith.

m Pray that we will have more than enough workers, helpers etc at each event. Pray that our love for Jesus will shine out to the world and that many be drawn to Christ. Pray for a passion and a zeal to be in the hearts of all believers.

Get Into It!

Grab yourself a copy of the mission week timetable and pray for every event, every speaker. Resolve today to spend next week praying.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Friday September 10, 2010

Read John 6:35-59

Bread is one of the most basic foods of the world. Almost every nation and culture has some kind of bread as a regular part of their diet. Kebabs, hamburgers, yeeros, burritos, tortillas, Nan, pida... are all types of bread or bread meals used throughout the world. No wonder Jesus’ words about Himself being the bread of life are so easy to relate to.

Jesus made some incredible claims by the lake that day. They were so incredible that many were driven away. Many turned and left because His teachings were too hard.  Jesus claimed to be the bread of life - the true food that gives life. He told us that His flesh was the bread and anyone who feeds on it has eternal life. Jesus’ flesh (see V 48-51) is a reference to His death on the cross for the sins of the world. This is the flesh that came down from heaven for men to eat.

And we are called to feed on Jesus’ flesh to have eternal  life. This is not some cannibalistic ritual. Nor is it a call to religious ceremony. Jesus is telling us that the way to eternal life is to continue in relationship with Christ, based on His death and resurrection. This truth plays itself out again and again throughout our existence.

As a non believer, a person can come to God only through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Trusting in His work at the cross is the only way to salvation. There is no other way to be saved. You cannot buy your way into heaven. You cannot do enough good deeds to merit your salvation. You cannot be nice enough or good enough in yourself to warrant salvation. You must come to Jesus and accept His death and resurrection on your own behalf if you are going to be saved.

As a believer I must come back to Jesus’ work again and again. When I fall into sin I seek the Lord’s forgiveness on the basis of that death and resurrection. When I need a filling of the Holy Spirit, I seek the Lord on the basis of the death and resurrection of Christ. When I doubt my salvation I can do no better than revisit the cross, the cross where my salvation was once for all purchased.

When I am tempted to sin, I recall the work of Jesus and His overcoming for me. I am strengthened by His presence with me. When I am proud, I am reminded that everything I have or am is because of His work at Calvary for me.  When I am ill, I call  to God for healing because Jesus has defeated  every enemy and even death itself by His work at the cross. When I lie on death’s bed I look to Jesus and know that because of His death and resurrection I will soon be with God for all eternity. ‘Life Forever’ is mine because of Jesus’ work at Calvary on my behalf.  As a believer, I feed on Jesus’ flesh constantly. It is He who sustains me. It is He who strengthens me. It is He who works in me and through me.


m Two weeks of mission are almost upon us. Pray that these will be two weeks of growth, of conversion and of great, unparalleled joy as more non believers come to faith in Christ Jesus.

m Pray that God would send labourers into this great harvest field so that we can bring in the harvest for the Lord Jesus.

Get Into It.

Are you able to share the gospel with a non believer? Write out what you would say to a person asking you about Christianity.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Thursday September 9, 2010

Read John 5:16-47

Who is Jesus? That’s a question that everyone needs to answer. Non believers could answer in several ways. Some would think He’s a lunatic. Some would think He’s a liar, a charlatan who deceived many. Others would ignore Him completely and refuse to answer. Still some would say He’s a legend that developed over time. To others He’s a good man who taught good and helpful things. Still to others He may be a figment of our religious imagination.

But look in the mirror this morning. Who is Jesus to you, personally? For believers, Jesus could be many things. He might be the healer we turn to find relief when the aches and pains light up. Sometimes  He’s the genie we turn to who gives us “three wishes”. At other times He’s Dr Feel Good when we hate ourselves and need a pep talk. Maybe He’s the prosperity guru who’ll end our financial woes and raise us up from the poverty dump.

This is an important issue to consider because when Jesus walked on the earth He claimed to be none other than God. This is a huge claim and the Jews heard it and sought to stone Him (John 10:30-33). Now, if Jesus is God then I must worship Him as God. He is the one to whom I must fall prostrate. He is the one who’s will shall envelope mine. His will must override my own. His desires must become mine. I must learn to love what He loves and hate what He hates. I must learn to submit every department of my life to Him. He is the one I must obey with my words, my thoughts, my wallet, my emotions, my actions, my reactions, my assets, my desires, my ....

One of the most attractive things for the world to see about Christianity is devoted and serious believers who willingly obey Christ and submit all to Him. For quite some time the world has seen hypocritical Christianity. The problem is so bad that huge numbers have been flocking to other religions, to false gods, because they’ve seen hypocrisy in the Christian religion. It’s time to turn the tide by being serious for Jesus.


m Pray that more and more believers in your congregation would live for Jesus with their heart, soul, mind and strength. Pray that we would be a passionate people, declaring the wonders of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light.

m Pray that we would see many non believers at our out reach events over the next two weeks. Pray that the gospel will be clearly shared at each event and that many would be saved. Pray for a growth in the church through these two weeks.

Get Into It

Sit with a mature Christian who knows you relatively well and ask that person,

‘When you look at my life, what do you see about Jesus?’

Learn from their answer and change whatever needs changing.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Wednesday September 8, 2010

Read John 4:39-42

Word of mouth is the best advertising. Every advertising firm knows that. Every owner of a business wants his/her brand name to be on people’s lips so that word of mouth spreads the beauty and necessity of their product.

Without being worldly, believers need to realise that word of mouth is the best ‘advertising’ for Jesus. What Jesus has done in your life is a powerful testimony that you can share with the world. The Samaritan woman at the well went to her village and told everything about Jesus and her encounter with the living Lord. They were intrigued and wanted to know more. After hearing Jesus, they declared that He really was the Saviour of the world! Hallelujah!

Let me encourage you to look for opportunities to share your testimony. Look for open doors to speak about what Christ has done in and through you. Create opportunities to peak people’s curiosity about what Jesus has done in your life. You are a living advertisement for our Lord whether you realise it or not. You may as well be a good one and a positive one!

“But, but, but”, I hear you say. I know there are many buts. I know there are issues but it’s not that hard. Here’s a few steps to help you get started:-

1. To help you share your testimony, try writing it out first. Once you have written it out you can share the different bits in different circumstances as relevant.

2. There are basically three parts to your testimony. What life was like before you came to know Christ. Talk about your desires, your life outlook, your passions etc. Next is how you came to know Christ Jesus. Talk about what He did to bring you to salvation and how He worked in your life. Finally, talk about how life has been since you’ve become a Christian. Talk about how you’ve changed with God in your life. This doesn’t need to be all roses. If you’ve struggled and had issues, talk about how God has walked with you and got you through so far. If you’ve been a Christian all your life and have no conversion date as such, talk about what you’ve seen God do in your life and how you’ve seen him at work. Talk about how you’ve changed and grown with God over the years.

3. You can ‘steer’ a conversation to gospel issues and open doors for your testimony in several ways:-

m If someone asks “How are you?”, tell them about how you’re going with God. It’ll blow them away but might open doors to talk more.

m Pique their curiosity by answering in unexpected ways. Eg, Someone told me they were not religious. I responded by telling them that Jesus was not religious either. Once you have  made a statement wait for that other person to ask a question. Once a question has been asked, dialogue has opened up and you are ready to talk about Jesus.

Let them see the purity and holiness of your life. Putting Jesus first always raises questions.  Think of the following example. Your mates ask you to go to the footy next Sonday. You can pull your head in and go or you can say something like, ‘That sounds great. I’d love to go but I’m not willing to give up my time with Jesus next Sonday at church.’

When someone makes a statement that has gospel implications start questioning them (not interrogating them). What do you mean? Tell me more? Draw that out for me. Help me understand your point of view.


m Over the 2 weeks of mission, pray for opportunities to share your testimony. Pray that every one will get on board and be at the events to share their faith, to speak to non believers and to shine the light of Jesus.

m Pray for a growing passion and zeal among the believers at ChristLife Presbyterian Church.

Get Into It!

Write out your testimony and show it to a mature believer for comment and refinement.

Make sure you focus on God and not yourself.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Monday September 6, 2010

Read John 3:16-21

We’re gearing up for 2 weeks of mission here at Christlife Presbyterian Church. It is going to be a fantastic time of praising God as the gospel goes out into the world.

But just stop a moment to think about why it’s so hard to bring the gospel to people. Why is it often like talking to a brick? Why do my unbelieving friends and family find it so hard to understand what I’m telling them about Christ Jesus?

Part of the answer is in John 3:16-21. Light has come into the world. The light of salvation has shone into our existence. But the world  is under the control of the evil one. The world has been blinded by the prince of this age. And so we read that men loved darkness instead of light. They will not enter into the light because they will feel the condemnation of the weight of their sinfulness. They will stay in the darkness so that they can avoid the truth that their deeds are evil. Even though we know that this guilt is good because it pushes us to find salvation in Christ, they don’t yet know it because they are still under the control of the evil one. He doesn't want them to hear the gospel and to be saved. Of course, he’s going to distract them with fun, games, money, sexuality and preoccupation with ‘self’. Of course he’s going to make them angry with you. Of course he’s going to drown out the gospel in any way he can. This is the heart of spiritual warfare!

Before we look at what we can do, think deeply about vs 18. Have you ever realised there are no fence sitters? Anyone who does not believe in Jesus is already condemned. They are standing under the wrath of God already. If they were to die right now they would be accursed for all eternity. It’s a picture that sends a shudder down my spine as I think of people I love that refuse to come to Christ. There will be no tallying of deeds on the day of judgement. There will be no decisions for God to make because they are already condemned. How scary!

But there is something we can do. Read vs 16 again. Anyone, anyone at all who believes in Jesus will not perish eternally but will have eternal life. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

So what can I do? First and foremost, pray. Pray that God will grant the people you know with love, repentance and faith in Jesus. Secondly, pray for opportunities to share the good news with those people. Have coffee with them and share your faith. Invite them to the events over the next 2 weeks. Do whatever it takes to get them to hear the gospel. It’s the only hope they have. Tomorrow could be too late.


m As mission approaches pray that God would prepare the college team and each of us for a frantic, yet glorious week of intense gospel work. Pray that the community around us would be ready to hear the gospel and to respond positively. Pray that the Kingdom of God would grow through this fortnight of mission activity.

m Pray that the Lord would bind up the evil one and his henchmen/servants over the two weeks of mission, so that we would see many many people come to the Lord in repentance and faith. Ask God to fill the speakers and presenters with His Holy Spirit so that they can speak powerfully and convict many of their need to repent and have faith in Jesus.

Get Into it !

Write down the names of 3 people you would love to see come to the Lord in repentance and faith.




Pray for each one and ask God to allow you to share the good news with them.

Ring each one and make a time to chat.

Tuesday September 7, 2010

Read John 4:1-26

I read the story of a Bedouin Arab who, having spent his life wandering and living in the desert, had opportunity to spend time in a western hotel for the first time in his life. This man was particularly taken by the taps and faucets - turn a tap and water comes out of the spout. After he had left the hotel it was discovered that he had taken a tap and spout, no doubt, expecting to be able to turn them on in the desert to get fresh cool, life giving water!!!!

How I wish that all Christians, myself included, were as attractive to non believers as that tap and spout were to the Bedouin. How I pray that all believers are overflowing springs of living water to the non believers around us - that they see in us a life giving source that they have no access to. How I dream of non Christians flowing into our churches seeking to find the source of that life, that abundance, that generosity, that joy, that exhilaration and other Christ centeredness that they see in us Christians.

How  I ache for the Christians across the land and the entire world to unite, to stand together and to worship together with Jesus in His love, rather than the hatred, bickering and gossip that fills our churches and denominations.

Please let me suggest some ways that you and I can become abundant wells of life giving water:-

1. Develop your own relationship with our Lord. If you are wandering through a desert no one is going to want to follow you. Even though they are time worn and common, the best way to grow in your walk with the Lord is through regular time in the Bible, regular time in prayer and regular time with other passionate, godly Christians. If you’re hanging out with half hearted Christians with a ‘who cares’ attitude maybe it is time to move on!

2. Learn to love God with your entire being - heart, soul, mind and strength. Consider each of these areas and jot down what loving God in each area looks like. Change what you need to change so that every department of your life is glorifying to God.

3. Deliberately work at removing disobedience in your life. When non Christians see us being disobedient they are immediately convinced that we are simply hypocrites and that their initial assessment of us was right.

4. Start living with passion and zeal for the Lord. Christians with heavy feet and frowns aren’t very attractive. Please don’t hear me negate pain, suffering or tough times. I don’t, and never have, advocated a “pretend all is well” approach to life. But even in these hard situations we can and should praise God and live with an expectancy that God will do something great in and through us.


Pray that God would bring revival and healing to the believers at church, at your church. Pray that there will be a growing passion and desire to worship with our entire lives, a desire to be holy in all things and a desire to spread the Word everywhere.

Get Into It!

Take time to ask God to make your life a well of abundant living water. Jot down what He puts on your heart.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Saturday September 4, 2010

Read  James 1:1-8

When the going gets tough, the tough get…….? The old saying says that they get going. Where do they go? Do they run away from the tough times? Do they run head long into it, tackling it as best they can? Do they just simply run for the thrill of running?

From a Christian perspective the old saying should read, ‘When the going gets tough, the godly start praising’. Praising? That’s the consistent witness of the Scriptures.  Why on earth should I praise God? There’s no reason on earth. It’s all in heaven! Jesus is Lord. God is sovereignly in control of all things. God is working all things for the good of those who love Him, even tough times. When we are in the midst of tough times we need to remember that God is at work. There is an outcome ahead that is glorifying to God. You and I are being used to bring glory to God.

Added to this, when we go through tough times we are like gold being refined in the fire. God is purging us of the sinful thoughts, tendencies and habits in our lives. God is purifying us and getting us ready for heaven. You can think of it like a surgeon cutting out the cancer that is invading our body. The surgery may be painful and it may take time to heal, but hallelujah it’s gone. God the great physician is cutting out the cancerous sin in our lives through the surgery of tough times. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!


ü Pray that those in your congregation who are going through a tough time will be close to the Lord and able to rejoice in their struggles because God is at work in them.

ü Pray for our brothers and sisters in Iraq as they suffer immensely for the gospel. Pray that God would use them powerfully to bring others to the faith as they persevere and rejoice in their trials. Pray for strength, for patience and for godliness for our brothers as they suffer.


Do you know of anyone who is suffering at present?

Prayerfully think of one way to help that person rejoice and to praise God.

Do it today.

Friday, 3 September 2010

Friday September 3, 2010

Read Colossians 1:24-29

Perseverance. What thoughts come into your mind as you hear that word? I think of a well trained runner who runs a marathon, having carefully thought out his strategy of winning the race, of getting the gold medal.

Scripturally speaking we are not that different. We have a marathon to run - namely, this life. We are to run with perseverance the race marked out for us. We are to fight the good fight. We are to finish the race. In the words of Colossians  we are to “continue in [our] faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel…”

The secret to Paul’s perseverance is many sided. He realised and

knew that his sufferings benefited others. The tough times and desert wanderings were not pointless and without meaning. God was in control through all of them and was working out His plan of bringing the church to Himself, pure and blameless.  Paul also rejoiced throughout the sufferings. He had a godly view of the world and his place in the world. He never demanded anything of God and never wanted to be anywhere but in the centre of God’s will for his life, even if that meant suffering.  Paul’s goal was Christ centred. He was not focused on work, money, house building or anything of the sort. His goal was to present everyone perfect in Christ. His goal was to do the works that God has prepared in advance for him to do. Finally, Paul laboured and strove with His energy that so powerfully worked in him. Paul’s life was not run in his own strength but he was energised by the indwelling Holy Spirit. All that Paul did, he did in His strength.

In this world you will see tough times. You will wander through deserts. You will be persecuted for your faith.  But remember that you have God on your side. You have been called to take up your cross and to follow Jesus. You have been called to deny yourself and to walk the road that Jesus walked. My brother and sister in Christ, persevere. Fight the good fight. Run the race with perseverance. Fix your eyes on Jesus Christ who sits in the heavenlies at the right hand side of God the Father.


ü Pray for perseverance for our brothers and sisters in Vietnam as they suffer attack, persecution and economic deprivation for their faith in Jesus. Pray that they will be strengthened in their faith. Ask God to use them to bring more and more people into the kingdom as they live for Jesus alone.

ü Pray that we will persevere through a long two weeks of mission coming up. Pray that God will grant us all we need to faithfully proclaim the gospel over the two week mission period.


Who do you know of that is struggling or going through a tough time at the moment?

Prayerfully consider one way to encourage  that person. Do it today.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Thursday September 2, 2010

Read Colossians 1:24-25

How do you deal with the difficult parts of Scripture? Let’s not pretend, there are some very difficult things to understand in the Scriptures. Verse 24 contains one of the most difficult phrases in the Bible to understand and make sense of.  Before we read on, state what you think verse 24 means when it says

... I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions...

Here are some steps to help you work out what a difficult passage might mean.

1. What does the passage not mean. There are certain limits of all Scripture interpretation. There are some things that a passage simply cannot mean. This passage cannot mean that the sufferings of Christ are deficient and need to be added to for our salvation. This is contrary to other clear Scripture and cannot be our understanding. If my understanding of a part of the Bible contradicts another part then my interpretation is wrong. It’s that plain and simple.

2. Let Scripture Interpret Scripture. As we wrestle for an understanding of a particular verse or passage, we must always seek to bring our interpretation or understanding in line with other similar passages.  Jesus told us that we must take up our cross and follow Him, if we desire to come after Him. See Luke 9:23. Taking up a cross involves suffering and self denial. Acts 14:22 tells us that we must go through many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God. Mark 13:19-20 suggests that the time of tribulation or suffering was limited and fixed.  1 Peter 4:16-17 tell us that suffering is God’s ‘judgement’ upon the church. This judgement is designed to purify the church and to get it ready for Jesus’ arrival.

3. Carefully consider & research the specific words used in the verse in question. The Word for ‘afflictions’ in NIV is never used of Christ’s atoning sacrifice. It speaks of the struggles of life rather than the pains of death. This is a very unique word that cannot be transported to the arena of Jesus’ suffering and death. Paul is thus not talking about Jesus’ atoning sacrifice at the cross.

4. Always read carefully in context. Remember the old adage: a text without a context is a pretext to say whatever you want. Here in context Paul is rejoicing that he suffers for the church, the body of Christ. Suffering is the vehicle of growing holiness and dependence upon God throughout the Bible. His overarching desire is to present everyone perfect in Christ. Paul is rejoicing that he suffers on behalf of the church, perhaps so that he can work for its perfection and lessen the suffering for the individuals in the church.

5. Read what others have said. Always take this step last so that you personally can research and wrestle with the Scriptures.

And so, having worked through these steps we can start to explain verse 24 as follows.

Paul rejoices that he suffers on behalf of the church, stating this at least twice. Paul is a servant of Jesus, a commissioned servant of the church and desires greatly for the church to be presented as perfect to the Lord. Scripturally, this often happens through suffering. Given that there is a  set amount of suffering that the people of God must endure, Paul is rejoicing that he suffers for the church or on behalf of the church, thereby possibly lessening the suffering on others.


ü Pleading prayer before the throne of God that many lost lives will come to hear and receive the truth now and especially during the Missions week.

ü Kid’s Games for Jane and all the volunteers, that Christ’s light will shine through and people will see God’s love coming through.


If you have come across other difficult passages of Scripture then work through steps 1-5 of those passages and seek to come to an understanding of them.

Show your work to another mature believer and get them to comment.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Wednesday September 1, 2010

Read Colossians 1:21-23. Ephesians 1:8-10

The relationship between faith and works is difficult for many to grapple with. It’s confused many and has been the source of much angst and worry.  There is no doubt that we are saved by faith in Christ’s death and resurrection. The Scriptures make that exceedingly clear.

So what role do works play? Works are the fruit of our faith. Works are the outflow of our faith in Jesus. If we have a true and saving faith then works will come out of that faith. True faith leads to works.  If, for example,  I told you that all buses were running late then if you trusted me, you would act appropriately. If you didn't really trust my words, you would continue on as normal. True faith changes our actions.

When we come to faith in Christ Jesus we need to continue in the faith. We need to take steps to grow, to mature and to run the race marked out for us with perseverance. Never has God said that mere mental assent to some concept or truth is saving faith. True faith bears fruit.

So how can I be growing and continuing on in the faith? There are many things we can be doing. The GROWTH acronym helps us immensely.

1. Go to God and to Him, Pray - spend time with God. Include adoration, confession, thanks and supplication.

2. Read His Word every day -  It’s vital to know God’s word if you are going to deepen and mature in your relationship with our Lord. With a shallow knowledge of the Word you are open to deception, temptation and being led astray.

3. Obey the Lord in every way. As you grow in knowledge of the Word you will know how God wants you to act in different circumstances, how to speak and what to do or what not to do. Your walk with the Lord will never deepen if you continue wilfully in disobedience.

4. Witness to Him every day. Take every opportunity to share the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection with anyone who will listen. Create opportunities to share.

5. Trust the Lord in every thing. Each and every day, whether in positive or negative situations, trust God and walk His way rather than your own way. Trust is shown through obedience and willing submission to God’s will and God’s way.

6. Holy Spirit let me sing...Each and every day ask God to lead you through His indwelling Spirit. Pray that you will be able to listen to the Spirit and walk in the Spirit - who always works in accord and agreement to the Word.


ü As you read the prayers of the New Testament, you see that many of the prayers are for growth in godliness, obedience and Christ-likeness.  Pray this for people in your church phone directory.

ü Pray that God would pour out upon your congregation a Spirit of holiness so that believers are happy, joyous about turning from their sins and willing to choose God’s will and God’s way in every situation.

ü Pray that the two missions coming up in a few weeks will be a tremendous outreach in terms of sharing the gospel with people and bringing in the harvest.


Seek to incorporate all the elements of the GROWTH acronym into your life. Think about each aspect and work out where you can slot it in.