Wednesday 14 December 2011

Wednesday December 14, 2011

Read Matthew 10:34-36; Micah 7


I read the sad story of a Christian family man under the regime of Saddam Hussein. This dictator demanded total loyalty and support from every single citizen. When he appeared on a TV broadcast, everyone (literally, everyone without exception) was expected to watch and listen. This particular Christian man turned off his TV and commented casually about the lies that had been sprouted for years. The child of that man made an innocent comment about the event at school a few days later.  The Christian man was soon arrested, taken away and was never seen again.


In Hitler’s Germany, children were actively encouraged to spy on their parents and to report any suspicious anti-Nazi activity or conversation. Many many people disappeared in the wee hours of the night because

their children were more loyal to the party than to their parents. Many Christians and Jews disappeared because their allegiance to Christ was greater than their allegiance to a political party.


Following Christ will cause hardship and problems. Following Christ will cause division - even in the basic family unit. We should not be surprised and dismayed when trouble arises in our families.


But what should we do? The prophet Micah that penned vs 6 also wrote  immediately after that verse :

But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Saviour; my God will hear me.

We need to be watching for God, waiting for Him, knowing that God will indeed hear us. We need to be pleading our cause with God and casting our cares upon Him. We need to be trading our sorrows for the peace that Christ offers us. We need to be drawing near to God, blow for blow, as the world around us cracks and crumbles. Only God can bring restoration and hope.


If you are struggling with family at present, call a close Christian friend  and make a regular time to pray exclusively about your situation.



Shiloh Church Ministries

During the last 6 months, 160 pastors of SCM in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, have visited 720 new houses, and spread the good news of Christ to 405 people. We were able to baptize 222 people, and also distribute 3200 Gospel tracts.


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