Read 1 Thessalonians 4:6. Luke 16:19-31
If you saw a child about to walk onto a busy road into the path of an oncoming vehicle I have no doubt that you would call out and warn that child. You would probably even try to physically stop that child. If one of your fellow work mates was working in an unsafe environment and you saw an accident about to happen, I have no hesitation in believing that you would warn your work mate of the impending danger.
Warning people of impending danger is a good and healthy thing, a thing that we should all be involved in. God’s forth coming punishment has been predicted and talked about since the prophets of old. God has been warning His people that this day of judgment is coming. He’s been telling us about it for centuries. God has been wanting us, even commanding us, to warn the world that this judgement is coming.
Even so, many churches have eradicated the warning message from their preaching and teaching. Some argue that it’s too unpopular to teach about. Others say that it’s too negative and gives the wrong focus. Still others say that God’s love is a far more important message.
Can you imagine a person yelling out ‘I love you’ to that child about to walk in front of a vehicle? Can you picture a work mate professing his mateship to a fellow worker as a load drops off a crane or shelf above him? It’s ridiculous. The love for the child and the love for the work mate are shown in issuing forth the warning.
Our love for the world and for each other is shown by issuing forth the warning from God. He will judge all mankind for the rebellious things they do and say and think. He will weigh up every deed by his perfect standard. Our warning is not a gloom and doom message, however. It’s a positive message that lets people know that they are dearly loved by God and that He has provided a way for them to avoid the oncoming judgement. God has sent His one and only Son into the world so that He might be punished in our place and provide free and everlasting forgiveness to all who turn to Him in faith. In warning people, we are also witnessing to them of the immense love that God has for them.
Warning people of God’s impending judgement is not a horrible act of unkindness as many churches make it out to be. It’s an act of immense love that shines forth the magnitude of love that God has for each and every individual. Sure, it may scare the hell out of people, but that’s a good thing if they turn to Jesus for rescue!
A warning given in the context of love creates a powerful life indeed.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
V Pray that God would bless Student Life Australia with many opportunities to share the full gospel with students across the land. Pray that they would see many come to Christ in repentance and faith. Pray too that many new centres would be started in universities that have no Student Life Group on Campus.
V Pray that God would use each of us to preach the full gospel to people in our respective lives who are still rejecting Christ. Pray that we’d see many come to Christ in faith.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What role does the warning of judgement play in our gospel presentation?
2. What are the possible results of preaching the love of God without the warning of judgement?
3. What are the possible results of preaching the judgement of God without the love of God?
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