Saturday, 1 June 2013

Saturday 1 June 2013

Read: Matthew 7:24-29

The thought of your house collapsing with a mighty crash in the face of rain and wind is a frightening thought isn't it. If you have experienced flooding or other natural disasters this might conjure up all sorts of memories and thoughts. The image of a house knocked over by natural forces is hard to forget. Jesus warning in this passage is clear: if we are not living our lives based on Him and according to His teachings our lives will be like those collapsed houses, broken and destroyed.


Think back over our study of the Sermon on the Mount this week. Are you living according to Jesus teachings? Are you living a life which is different from the way that the world lives? Are you being salt and light to those around you who don't have faith in Him? Is your heart changed by your relationship with Christ so that you follow God's law? Is your primary focus and attention on the Kingdom of God rather than anything in this world? Are you living for God's glory alone? Are you living with humility and wisdom?


This is an incredible challenge to us as God's people however this parable is not all doom and gloom. Notice verse 25. If we do live according to the teachings of Jesus and base our lives on Him then this parable provides a great encouragement: nothing will be able to shake us. Though storms come in all our lives if our foundation is in Christ and in His teachings then nothing will be able to destroy or collapse us. If God is our strength and help then we can endure anything and everything the world would throw at us.


The choice is yours. You can live according to Jesus' teachings and set your life on the rock or you can build your life on the sand apart from Christ. Which do you choose?



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.








¥ Pray for all those who have been studying the Sermon on the Mount at Christlife and through these notes. Pray that God would cement in their hearts all the things that they have learnt and that they would put them into practice. Pray that God would help all of us to be salt and light in our communities.

¥ Pray for the Presbyterian church in Stanthorpe. Pray that God would grow a spirit of generosity in the hearts of the people and that they would be giving so that costs and wages can be met. Pray that God would grow in the congregation a greater passion to see many in the Stanthorpe community come to faith in Christ through the preaching of the gospel.


Discussion Questions For Families

and Groups

1. What can you do to tell if you are building your life on the rock or the sand?

2. Spend some time praying for each other. Pray that the Holy Spirit would grow you in holiness and help each of you to follow Jesus more closely and to live by His teachings.


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