Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Tuesday June 4, 2013

Jesus Challenge:

As a cell group, take time to share your individual testimonies. If you’re not sure how to write a testimony, think about your life before you came to Christ, how you came and what it’s like now that you have come to Him. Make sure that it’s about Christ and not inadvertently about you.

If you are game, make a pact together that each person at cell would seek to make at least one other disciple by the end of the year.


Read 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3

You can tell what a person really believes by the way they live life.  If, for example, I believe that today will bring pouring rain but walk out of my house without an umbrella or raincoat then my lifestyle betrays my true beliefs. Either, I don’t really believe that it will rain or I’m a hypocritical imbecile who lives contrary to my beliefs. Either way it’s not a pretty picture.


The Thessalonians came to believe in Christ Jesus and their life showed clearly what they believed. The Apostle Paul and his companions were so inspired that they knelt in praise and adoration to God. They continually praised God for the power of the Gospel at work in the lives of the Thessalonian believers.


Regarding the Thessalonians, Paul remembered before God their work produced by faith, their labour prompted by their love and their endurance inspired by their hope in Christ Jesus.  Paul praises God for the work, the labour and the endurance that flows out of the Thessalonians’ conversion.


While is it possible to make changes and to do noble things by our own power and strength, it cannot match the changes and work produced by the power of the Gospel. Even though it is possible to change by transforming ourselves, it can never compare to or last as long as the spiritual transformation and renewal that comes from genuinely receiving Christ as Lord and Saviour.


When a person genuinely receives Jesus as their own Lord and Saviour that person changes from the inside out. The heart is transformed by the power of the Gospel. The result is unavoidable. Work, labour and endurance for Christ will flow outwards. When a group of people in the same city or region are transformed by the power of the Gospel it is truly revolutionary. That city had better watch out!


Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









V Even as believers we continue to sin but sin should be the exception rather than the rule. Pray that God would work so powerfully in yourself and in your fellow believers at church that He would break the power of sin and undo the work of the evil one. Pray that the chains of sin that bind people in your church would be completely and utterly broken.

V Pray that Shiloh Church Ministries would continue to preach the Word and to make disciples. Pray that all of the orphans they care for would come to know Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Pray that God would raise the resources needed to continue this vital and powerful ministry.

V Pray that your city would be revolutionised by the power of the Gospel as believers work from their faith, labour out of their love and endure because of their hope in Christ Jesus.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Why is the Gospel so powerful?

2. How can a person be sure they are a Christian? Should we worry about such questions as this?

3. What changes have you seen in your life since you became a Christian?


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