Jesus Challenge:
When you think about planning a Gospel outreach event list down the essential elements that need to be included in that event. Please be specific and detailed. When you have made a list, keep a copy of it for future reference. You will need it in several weeks when you come to planning your event.
Read 1 Thessalonians 2:6-12
The greatest advertisement for Christianity is your life. Let me say it again. The greatest advertisement for Christianity is your life. Of course that doesn’t remove the need to speak the Gospel into people’s lives. Your life backs up and confirms the Gospel.
I spent many years being surrounded by ministers and Christians who wanted nothing more than to just blend into society. They worked really hard at being like everyone else around them. But I don’t think non believers want to see Christians blending in. What draws people to Christ is not similarity but difference. Others will not be drawn to Christ through me and my life if my life is a mirror of theirs. Why would anyone come to a church and a god that produces NOTHING?!!!
When Paul and his team came to Thessalonica he could have thrown his apostolic weight around. But he chose to be like a child. The team was gentle among them, more like a mother caring for her children than a heavy handed father. They shared the Gospel with the non believers in the midst of sharing their lives as well. They were honest and open. They were pure and holy. They were hard working and righteous. Put bluntly, they were different! The non believers could see that there was something different about Paul and his crew. It is this difference that powerfully combines with the gospel message to draw many to Christ for salvation.
Here’s a hard hitting truth. If your life denies the Gospel or contradicts the Gospel then non believers will tend to shy away from the Gospel you are preaching. But, if they see something different in you, if they see that the Gospel has impacted your life and changed your life for the better then they will be powerfully drawn to that Gospel.
Here’s another hard hitting truth. If the Gospel hasn’t changed your life then it won’t change the lives of others!
People don’t want ‘same old, same old’. People don’t want a religion that shackles them. People don’t want to be bound and tied to an institution that highlights their hypocrisy and sinfulness. People want to, and need to, be freed. People need to see the power of the gospel. People need a powerful intervention to break the shackles and to fill their hearts with joy. If they can’t see this in our lives, they simply won’t be interested in hearing what we have to say!
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
V Pray that each and every person in your congregation would have a powerful life of witness and testimony through the power of the Gospel at work in their lives. Pray that God would be breaking the chains of sin and addiction as well as destroying the work of the evil one in the lives of your fellow believers.
V Pray that your congregation would grow in number as more people confess Jesus as Lord. Pray that there would be a great desire in the hearts of believers to make more disciples. Pray that the church would double in size this week - effectively meaning that each believer makes just one disciple.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What kinds of things in our lives might contradict the Gospel?
2. Why does our life give such a powerful message for or against the Gospel?
3. How can we be making sure that our lives back up the Gospel rather than deny it?
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