Friday, 14 June 2013

Friday June 14, 2013

Read 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16.  2 Timothy 3:12

Not long ago, Rimsha Masih was accused and sentenced to death under Pakistani’s blasphemy laws for not believing in the state’s religion. As a Christian she was sentenced to die for her faith. But God intervened and allowed her to be released, bringing to light the truth that she was framed for her faith.


In the Central African Republic Pastor Mbaye-Bondoi reports that his church was shelled by the army and over 20 believers were wounded and several were killed. Pastors in Vietnam are routinely rounded up and thrown into jails for re-education and retraining. Several are never heard from again. In Iraq and Iran and Sudan and India and Arabia and…. Persecution is a way of life.  Persecution is seen as part and parcel of being a Christian.


The church in Thessalonica accepted the Word of God and almost immediately suffered what Jesus Himself suffered. They began to experience what Paul had also experienced soon after his conversion - persecution. People who once co-existed peacefully as friends and neighbours became enemies because one of them had turned to Christ Jesus.


Look beneath the surface and you see the work of the evil one. Like in Paul’s day, the evil one will today stop at nothing to hinder the Gospel from being proclaimed.  He will use non believers to create opposition and antagonism to the Gospel. He will use anything to stop you from using your lips and life to proclaim the good news to all and sundry.


But as I mull over the persecution I and my brothers and sisters have received in Australia, I’m astounded at how much we’ve endured for the Gospel. O how we’ve suffered for Jesus’ sake! We’ve been laughed at. We’ve had eyes rolled at us. We’ve been the butt of a few jokes and we’ve been called horrible names like ‘hypocrite’ and ‘weirdo’.  O how much we’ve endured! (I hope you can hear my sarcasm).


In Australia we are relatively free from persecution. We live in a land where it is still ok to speak of Jesus and to make disciples in His name. Rather than running from the possible persecution that may come our way, let’s rethink and reorient our lives and hearts. Let’s make the most of every opportunity and let’s make as many disciples for Jesus as we can before Australia is no longer a free country. Let’s make a pact to step out in faith and to start having spiritual conversations with people and to use those conversations to share the gospel and to invite people along to our cells, our church services and our outreach events.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









V Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to give you a spirit of courage and tenacity as you seek to make disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that God would give you at least one name of a person you can share with this coming week. Make a promise to God to share with that person the gospel of salvation. Pray for wisdom and strength and tactfulness as you plan to step out in faith.

V Pray that God would work equally powerfully in the lives of your fellow believers in your home church.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. How many people have you evangelised in the past




2.  Why do you think our churches are not growing in number?

3. How can you be changing this pattern?


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