Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1-2
In the movie ‘Rise of the Guardians’, North (aka Santa) asks Jack (aka Jack Frost) what his centre is. The centre of a person is the driving force at their very core. It’s what motivates them and keeps them going. The story revolves around Jack finding his true centre - bringing fun and joy to others. While it is only make believe, the story captures a true element of human nature. We have at the centre of our being some rule or guide by which we live our lives. Some people live to be happy and make all decisions on the degree that the outcome affects their happiness. Others have vowed to themselves that they will never be hurt by a relationship and spend a lifetime avoiding deep and meaningful scenarios. Still others have created the icon of wealth in their heart. They decide everything on the money or wealth it brings them. Some want a pain free life. Others want to inflict as much pain on others as they can. There are countless ‘centres’ that could reside in the hearts of believers.
The Thessalonians were once self centred people who sought only to indulge themselves and their fantasies. They worshipped mute idols in the hope of fulfilling their lustful desires. All “religions” and idol worshipping groups are simply a tool to get what we want. The basic premise is always the same. If you do this then you will get that. If I say the right words I’ll get what I want. If I go through the right motions I’ll get what I desire. If I live the right way I’ll end up where I want to end up. Get the picture? The “centre” for the Thessalonians, as it is for so many today, was self. They worshipped mute idols to please and to fulfil themselves.
But when they when they came to Christ in repentance and faith, Christ changed the centre from self to sacrifice. Jesus filled their centre and gave them a deep, other centred love for each other. Their goal was no longer to make oneself happy or comfortable or to meet one’s own needs but rather to please God in everything and to love others.
The centre of the Christian life is Christ Jesus. If we have lost that centre or filled it with someone or something else we may need a realignment. But with Christ as our centre, every decision is made from the vantage point of what pleases God. Sometimes that decision will be easy and straightforward. At other times it may be a difficult, hair raising situation. But no matter what the situation, with Christ at the centre, the decision and the acting out of that decision will be made with joy and confidence.
A Christian life with Christ truly at the centre is a powerful life indeed.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
V Pray that the Lord will bless the Schache’s in Vanuatu as they serve in the Bible college there. Pray that their maintenance work will be a joy and that God would provide all their needs so that the college can continue to faithfully train up and send out preachers and teachers.
V Ask the Lord to bless the work of Reformed Bible College in Myanmar. Pray that all of their daily needs will be provided for so that they can focus on the task at hand - preparing ministers for the gospel work in the villages of Chin state. Pray that many more would enrol in the college and serve faithfully in that state.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. How can you tell if ‘self’ or ‘Christ’ is at your centre?
2. How can we make sure that Christ remains at our centre each and every day?
3. What role do others play in helping me keep Christ at my centre?
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