Saturday, 8 June 2013

Saturday June 8, 2013

Read 1 Thessalonians 1:7-10. Luke 12:35-48

Idolatry can occur in many different shapes and forms. In some cultures worship of god statues is common. In others the worship of ethereal spirits is commanded. Still in others ancestors or their spirits are worshipped. In our own culture we tend to worship our castles, our vehicles, our social status, the mighty Dollar Bill and, of course, our sporting heroes (at least while they perform well).


In the city of Thessalonica there was a plethora of gods to worship. One could choose to bow down to Roman gods, Greek gods or to other pagan gods. Statues were rife and religious ceremonies and festivals were everywhere to be engaged in. Being a military city rather than a trade city, each person was pressured to worship Caesar as well.


Even so, the Gospel was so powerful in that city that many of them welcomed the Apostles and having heard the message of the Gospel were empowered to turn from these idols of stone and wood to the one true and living God. They walked away from their previous idols and icons to serve God.


Their belief visibly showed itself in service. Their conversion, as we saw before,

issued itself in work, in labour and in an outward flowing love for others. Theirs was not a dead, impotent faith but a living and active faith.


The Thessalonian believers were also filled with a deep hope that allowed them to wait patiently for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we read in the Gospels, such waiting is neither inactive nor idle. It is a determined waiting of a  servant busily going about the Master’s business as he waits for the Master’s return. Such servants will indeed be greatly rewarded at the anticipated return.


As we prepare for “worship” tomorrow as a gathered body of Christ, are we ready and willing to also give up our idols? Are we ready to serve the only Living and True God? Are we ready to lay down our treasures and to give all to God as we wait patiently, though neither idly nor inactively, for His Son Jesus to return? Do we pray together Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.








V Pray that idolatry will be a thing of the past in your church. Pray that people would be willing and happy to worship Christ alone and to serve Him actively as you wait together for His glorious return.

V Pray that your Committee of Management and other Committees would be gospel focused and willing to serve God and to further his kingdom through their work as they wait for Jesus to return.



Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. What idols do we have in Australia that people in general worship?

2. Are any of these worshipped in our churches? If yes, how can they be removed?

3. What is the relationship between greed and idolatry?


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