Read 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12. Romans 12:1-2
The fount of all knowledge, the internet, tells me that to have a powerful life I need to adopt the six B’s each morning. These 6 B’s include Body & Brew - a good coffee and a 10-15 minute stretch to get blood flowing; Bible and Prayer - open God’s Word, read it, apply it and pray; Blessing Journal - write down one thing you are truly grateful for and why; Books - read a book for 30 minutes; Big Picture - think about the big picture of your life; and Block Out - map out where and how you want the day to go.
While the Lord definitely agrees with Bible reading and prayer and possibly even journaling (it’s not actually commanded in Scripture even thought it’s a good idea) God would never have His Word on par with other books. Unfortunately the Bible is often seen as a book for the “inner me” while the other books are for getting my life in order and for having a great impact. It appears that we need the Bible plus other helps to have a powerful life!
God encourages us to lead a quiet life which does not equate to being uninvolved and inactive. It means that we are not needlessly bothering others and meddling in their business. We are to work hard and to be attentive to our own duties. By this kind of life we win the respect of outsiders or non believers.
Living a God focussed and productive life is as much ‘worship’ as any part of our life. We gather for Sonday morning and evening “worship” but we should never think that after the church service that “worship” has finished. Indeed, it has only just begun. Our Sonday services prepare us and equip us to ‘worship’ God with our lives.
The way we conduct our selves and the way we live our lives and the way we work are as much an integral of our “worship” of God as our Sonday morning gatherings.
A productive life lived in worship to God is a powerful life indeed.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
V Ask the Lord to give you strength and wisdom to worship Him in daily life - among your family, through your work and through the daily grind of life.
V Ask God to strengthen our children’s ministry and youth ministry so that the peers of our children see that God is truly worshipped. Pray that God would continue to mature and deepen the love these children and youth have for each other and for God.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What is the difference between leading a quiet life and being inactive and uninvolved?
2. How would you sum up what God is saying to you today?
3. Explain how we can adhere to this passage and still be actively promoting the gospel and the church in our local community
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