Thursday, 20 June 2013

Thursday June 20, 2013

Read 1 Thessalonians 3:6-10


Jose Dilson Da Silva is a missionary with the Brazilian Presbyterian Church in the Senegalese capital Dakar. Zeneide Moreira Novais, who works for Missao Servos, runs an orphanage for street children in Mbour, 80 kilometres south of Dakar. Earlier this year, both of these men were imprisoned without charge for evangelising. One young adult, said to be about 17 years old, heard about Christ from their programs and started acting like a Christian. Trouble and arrest soon followed.


For about 5 months the family of these men knew very little about their fate and had little idea of what the future would hold. If you can imagine their joy and relief when these men were released from prison then you are starting to picture some of the joy that Paul felt when he learnt about the Thessalonians from Timothy.


Paul was filled with joy that they were standing firm in their faith. He was glad that they were filled with positive memories of their initial meeting and that they longed to see him again, just as he longed to see them. He was encouraged and spurred on to greater heights of service and love because of the report he had just received. And the joy led to praise and adoration. He couldn’t thank God enough for the joy that the Thessalonians had brought him.


Praising God for other believers and finding joy in their spiritual growth and maturity was not an isolated event for Paul. He praised God for the Corinthians, even though they rejected him and caused great anguish for the apostle. He praised God for the Colossian believers, the Thessalonians and the Philippians. He even praised God for individuals like Timothy who laboured in the gospel.


Where does our joy come from?  Do we set aside time in our prayers to thank God for other believers and to praise Him for their growth and maturation in the Lord? Do we see God at work in the lives of our brothers and sisters and do we take time to praise Him?


Developing an attitude of gratitude is a great way to deepen our prayers and to encourage one another.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









V Spend time praising God for His work in 5 other believers that you know of. Be specific.

V Spend time praising God for the work he is doing in your congregation. Be specific.



Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. What are the dangers associated with praising God for his work in the lives of other Christians?

2. Why do we not praise God for other believers regularly in our prayer times?


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