Paul was on his second missionary journey when he came to the Roman city of Thessalonica. To help you understand where the city lies there's a map at the bottom of this page.
It’s 50-51AD. As Paul entered this major city with a population of about 200,000 people, he went, as usual, to the synagogue on the Sabbath. There in front of potentially hostile Jews he argued and reasoned from the Scriptures that Jesus had to be the Christ, the Messiah. A few Jews joined Paul as did a larger number of Greeks and perhaps even a larger number of prominent, important women. The second Christian church, behind Philippi, had been started in Europe!
But sailing was not to remain smooth for Paul. The Jews became jealous of the growth of the new church. They rounded up some ruffians from the marketplace. The goal was to remove Paul and his companions from the city. The crowd approached the city officials and effectively made the same cry that the crowd made in calling for Jesus’ execution. As the crowd gathered before Pilate they cried out, ‘We have no king but Caesar!’ (John 19:15) Here in Thessalonica they cried out that Paul was ‘defying Caesar’s decrees advocating ‘that there is another king, one called Jesus’.
Paul had an effect in the city of Thessalonica, not because he was a revolutionary or because his character inspired revolt but, because he faithfully preached the gospel. He opened the Word and showed from that Word that Jesus was the Christ.
If only Christians would open up the Word and show people that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. If only we too would preach the gospel to non believers. If only we were to be so bold we too would see a powerful Gospel. We too would see people, maybe even “not a few” people, come to Christ for salvation. We too would see a powerful Gospel that changes lives and transforms people. In fact, if we were to actually preach the gospel to non believers then we would see a Gospel so powerful that it will call forth opposition.
Let’s continue praying that God would bring many people into His kingdom and into His church. But let’s be radical and let’s pray that God uses us and our Gospel preaching to that effect. Let’s send each other out with the express task of telling non believers about the gospel. Here’s a truth you and I need to hear: The Gospel will never be powerful if we never tell it to anyone!
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
V Pray that the Lord God Almighty would use you personally to share the gospel with non believers this week. Pray that as God opens doors to share your faith you would be courageous and actually speak the gospel in that situation.
V Pray that your church would be a gospel preaching church, making the most of every opportunity to speak the truth of Jesus into people’s lives.
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