Thursday 26 January 2012

Thursday 26 January 2012

Read Galatians 5:22-26


Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, but who can find a faithful man? -Proverbs 20:6


We are often disappointed by the unfaithfulness of people.  A family member promises to write, but months go by without a letter.  A pastor says he will visit when we are sick, but he does not make it to the hospital or to our home. A friend agrees to be there for us in our bereavement but doesn’t even call.  Others tell us they will pray for us but quickly for get our need.  Someone promises to do an important task for us but never follows through.  We ask ourselves, “Who can find a faithful man?” (Proverbs 20:6).


We can do very little about the unfaithfulness of others.  But we can do a lot about our faithfulness to others.  When we make a promise we must keep it.  When we tell someone we will pray for them, we need to follow through and do it.  When we proclaim our loyalty and love to others, we can do little things that show them we mean it.


The apostle Paul said that one fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness (Galatians 5:22).  God will create in us a steadfast spirit if we take seriously what we tell others we will do for them, and if we follow through.


Ask God to make you a person whom others can count on—a person who is tried and true. –David Roper

Lord, grant to me a faithfulness

In what I say and do

So others will be confident

That I will follow through. –D. De Haan


Faithfulness in little things is a great thing.




¨ Praise God for the freedom this great land of Australia still maintains.


¨ Seek God’s face that in 2012 you will not be slacken off when Christians are asked to make a stand for His Name.


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