Monday 16 January 2012

Monday 16 January 2012

Read  Psalm 91:1-1


Fear not, for I am with you; he not dismayed, for I am your God.

Isaiah 41:10


On a bright Sunday morning one of my boys, who was just a little fellow, was walking to church with me.  Soon the sights and sounds of a new day invited him to skip on ahead. Suddenly his carefree progress came to an end.  A few feet away was a boxer dog looking at him.  Stopping abruptly, my son turned and rushed to my side.  Only when his hand was securely in mine and he knew I was right beside him was he able to walk undisturbed past the boxer.


What a picture of our pilgrimage through this world!  From time to time the fierce looking obstacles of illness, money problems, or personal conflicts appear before us, striking fear into our hearts.  At first we are bewildered and life seems to be at a dead end.  But then by faith we make our way to the Saviour, realising we dare not go forwards without the assurance of His presence.  As we completely trust in Him, He helps us face the future by walking with us each step of the way.


If anxiety and dread are lurking on the threshold of your tomorrow, remember God’s wonderful promise in Isaiah 41:10, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” -Dennis De Haan

Though there are dangers untold and stern

Confronting me in the way,

Willingly still would I go, nor turn,

But trust You for grace each grace. –Tovey


If you can’t find a way out, look up.




¨ Uphold everyone attending the Student Life Conference this week.


¨ Ask God that it will be a time of encouragement, learning, relationship building and a willingness to seek His face first.



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