Tuesday 1 March 2011

Tuesday March 1 2011

Read Daniel 5:5-9

As Belshazzar praised the gods of gold, silver, bronze, wood and stone a dismembered hand appeared and wrote a message on the wall.  This would-be great king is reduced to a jellied wreck.  His face grew pale from fear. His knees knocked together and his legs gave way. He couldn’t even stand he was so frightened.

In his fear he called for the priests and magicians that represented these false gods of stone, wood, bronze, silver and gold. But they too remained mute.  Like the gods, these priests were useless to intervene. They could do nothing, absolutely nothing to help the jellied legged king. Even the promise of great reward and grand promotion could not bring forth a solution to the unreadable writing on the wall.

For believers, there really is only one place to look for help. Of course you know the answer.  When we are in need we look to the God and seek His mercy and grace in our lives. We seek His input into our lives. We turn first and foremost to our Saviour. Indeed the Bible encourages this very course of action. In the book of Hebrews we read;

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

When you feel the urge of temptation racing towards you, turn to God and find grace to help you. When a situation advances that you have no control over, turn to God and call out for His mercy. When you need wisdom parenting, find God first and foremost.  When peer pressure starts to mount up, approach the throne of grace with confidence so that you may find grace and mercy to help you in your time of need.


þ Pray for the work of Creation Research. Ask God to bless their ministry as they seek to teach the gospel (from Genesis onwards) to both believers and non believers. Pray that they would have ample opportunity to debate and discuss creation issues with evolutionists and atheists. Pray that many would come to the Lord through their work.

þ Pray for David and Kristy Richards with their work with Uni Impact in New Zealand. Pray for resources and needs to be met. Ask God to open doors for them to make disciples in Jesus’ Name.

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