Thursday 10 March 2011

Thursday March 10, 2011

Read Daniel 6:15-22. 2 Peter 2:1-9

If you were making the movie, “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” how would you film the events around today’s reading? It’s interesting that the writer sees fit to pass over the night by focusing on the king and his concern rather than on Daniel.  We hear nothing of Daniel in the den. We don’t see him being lowered in. We don’t know if he prayed or hid or whatever in the den. But we do see the king tossing and turning all night. We see him refusing to eat and to celebrate. We see him running to the tomb and crying out to see if this God was able to deliver Daniel from the den of lions.

Was Daniel delivered? Of course he was! God is able to rescue His children from all trials. Paul the apostle cried out

The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

If you and I are going to stand in the day of battle, if we are going to live for Christ then we need to know and internalise this very truth. God is able to rescue us. No matter what situation we are in or what powerful enemy besieges us, God is able to rescue us. God will never forsake us. He will deliver us safely into His heavenly kingdom.  Daniel had seen His God deliver many times. He even saw (or at the very least, heard about) his friends being  delivered from the fiery furnace.  Daniel was confident that God would deliver him. As you and I experience God’s deliverance we will grow in confidence and trust God even more. We will be more courageous to speak out, to step out in faith and to stand up for the name and honour of our God.

As we live for God each and every day, we will grow in anticipation of that wonderful day when God will finally deliver us from all evil and we will finally stand in His glorious presence.


þ Spend time praising God for the deliverances you have already experienced.

þ Pray that God would deliver the Myanmar Bible college students from the enemy and from the persecutions so that they can powerfully and boldly preach the good news. Pray that many of the Buddhists would turn to Christ for salvation.

þ Pray for Session. Ask God to fill these men with courage and decisiveness. Pray that Session would be wise and diligent in overseeing the congregation.

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