Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Tuesday August 5, 2014

Read Romans 8:22-25

 Yesterday we saw that all creation has been groaning with us as we await the best that God has for us - the best in the new creation where God is glorified and exalted and where corruption and decay are completely done away with.

We too groan as we await our complete adoption, the redemption of our bodies. This phrase of vs23 refers to the time when Jesus returns to judge the living and the dead. Those who are dead in Christ will return and those who are alive will be caught up together with them in the air and after the judgement, the new creation will be ushered in.

But while we wait, we groan. It’s important that we understand what our groaning is and, more importantly, is not. Our groaning is NOT a self centred ‘woe is me’ attitude or a grumbling and complaining about our hardships. We are called to rejoice in our sufferings (James 1:2-5, for example) not to grumble and moan and complain. These things God absolutely hates as 1 Cor 10:1-10 makes clear. Verse 10 is strikingly clear.
And do not grumble, as some of them did—and were killed by the destroying angel.
When we groan inwardly it is NOT a grumbling and whining. It is not a questioning of God’s goodness or grace to us. It is not a heavenly rant and rave or spiritual hissy fit.

Our groaning is an inner longing, a deep inner yearning. We know that the best is yet to come. We know that God has created us for something far better than this world. We know and we have tasted of the goodness of the Lord and of Heaven (Psalm 34:8) and we long or yearn for it. Like an athlete that can’t wait to get on the track or a fighter that can’t wait to climb into the ring so we cannot wait to get into the new creation. Our training/suffering is preparing us for that wonderful time. This inner yearning creates in  us a patient, yet eager longing. We hope in the surety of what is to come. We wait for the redemption of our bodies and for our total adoption – the coming to our heavenly home. We wait patiently and we endure patiently even though this hope is not seen in this dark world filled with corruption and decay.

Interestingly, this is exactly what Paul prays for those in the Colossian church who are or who are about to suffer. He prays that they would be ‘strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.’

As we wait for the new creation we groan inwardly. That groaning is not antagonistic to rejoicing, to praising God and to living a life of hope and goodness. In fact, the sure hope we have in Christ fosters all of these things in our life at present.

Having read today’s passage and notes jot down various prayer points in each:




¨ Pray for cell groups as they meet today, tonight and tomorrow. Pray that the members would encourage and build each other up. Pray that more people would enroll in cell groups.

 Word Moment:
Hope grows in us as we grow in the Word. Indulge in the Word and you’ll indulge in hope.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. How is the groaning we have inside us expressed?
2. How is this groaning different to the groaning of the world?
3. If this groaning weighs us down, what can we do?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Life is filled with hard times and disappointments. We can’t let these make us bitter. We have to let God make us better through them.

Discuss some let downs and disappointments in your own life and how God worked through them.

Read  James 1:2-8
Why does God allow hard times in our lives?
Why can we rejoice in these times?
How can this be expressed?

Pray together that you might understand the point of tough times in your life and that you might rejoice because God is at work in them.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: People will always let us down and disappoint us. Getting angry and taking it out on others doesn’t solve anything. The key is to turn to God and to rejoice in Him.

Discuss a time when you were let down and acted inappropriately. Discuss a better way to act in that situation.

Read  James 1:2-8
Why does God allow hard times in our lives?
Why can we rejoice in these times?
How can this be expressed?
Pray together that you might understand the point of tough times in your life and that you might rejoice because God is at work in them.

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