Monday, 4 August 2014

Monday August 4, 2014

 Coming Up: Sonday August 10, 2014
Romans 8:18-39. The Future With Jesus.
 Read Romans 8:18-21
The world is in the grip of a phenomenon that we might call “enjoy now - pay later”. All sorts of companies from car companies to electrical household manufacturers to furniture companies are offering you their goods for free. All you have to do is agree to pay for it later. You can enjoy almost anything now and pay for it later. Some companies are even giving up to 60 months of freedom before you have to pay. The general consensus among the population is that waiting for something is bad. The advice given freely by a majority is to enjoy now and pay later.

This phenomenon parallels what is happening spiritually in the world. Satan has so deceived the world to think they can enjoy everything now without paying. Satan shares with the world the joys of self indulgence but never shares the cost that has to be paid when Jesus returns. Ouch! 

Christianity is somewhat flipped over and opposite to the state of the world. Rather than indulging in the best now and worrying about payment later, we wait for later to enjoy our best, even though Christ has paid the cost in full.  We wait for the glory to be revealed in us when Christ returns. A part of that waiting entails suffering as we follow in Jesus’ footsteps. The mere fact that we refuse to indulge our sensual pleasures in wanton living assures us of persecution. The fact that we choose to live by the Spirit and by that same Spirit to put to death the misdeeds of the body means that the world will be convicted and they’ll persecute us. But we wait in hope, knowing that the glory that will be revealed in us will far outweigh any suffering we face in the present. A person going to an all you can eat feast will gladly suffer missing breakfast and lunch in anticipation of that wonderful feast. Our heavenly feast is coming and we may have to suffer missing out on some things of this world.

In fact, all creation suffers with us. All creation waits with eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. Creation groans while it waits for its own liberation and freedom from bondage. Now is a time of decay and corruption but it’s filled with anticipation of the decay-free, corruption-free new creation. Interestingly, the evolutionist says that the world is getting better and moving uphill. They argue that everything is moving forward in improvement as it evolves but reality and data suggest otherwise. What we see around us is not improvement but decay and corruption. The world doesn’t seem to be getting any better, only worse.

One day the current creation will be removed and the new creation will be ushered in. Together with the Children of God, creation will be ushered into glorious freedom.

The best is yet to come. The new creation will be free from decay and corruption. We will know no death or dying or mourning or weeping or tears. It will know only the glorious freedom won by Christ at Calvary.

Having read today’s passage and notes jot down various prayer points in each:



¨ Pray that the work of Student Life across Australia will bring many to Christ in repentance and faith. Pray for all the human and non human resources needed.
¨ Pray for the work of Uni-Impact in NZ as well.

 Worship Moment:
Worship is a life of indulging in God rather than in self.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Share what suffering you have faced for Jesus’ sake. Share how you persevered.
2. How does focussing on the glory to be revealed in us help us walk victoriously through suffering?
3. How are we called to conduct ourselves through suffering? Use Bible verses to help you answer.
4. What is the point of suffering?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Being a Christian has good points and not so good points. Sometimes we may face persecution or trouble for being Christian.

Discuss how you have faced this in your own life. Share the story and the outcome.

Read John 16:33.
Why does the world persecute Jesus’ followers?
What does Jesus promise us in all of this?
What kind of persecution could you face in your life?
Pray together  for a Jesus like character, especially in tough times.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Sometimes it’s easier to fight than to walk away. But when we follow Jesus fighting is not an option if we are persecuted for our faith.
Discuss a time when you were persecuted for your faith and how you reacted.

Read John 16:33.
Why does the world persecute Jesus’ followers?
What does Jesus promise us in all of this?
What kind of persecution could you face in your life?
Pray together for a Jesus like character, especially in tough times.

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