Friday, 8 August 2014

Friday August 8, 2014

Read Romans 8:31-36
It’s sometimes hard for us to fathom and accept that God is on our side. It’s particularly hard when life gets tough and the road beneath us becomes rocky. Personally I have witnessed far too many people turn and walk away from God when the going gets a little (or a lot) tougher. I’ve had people ask me questions like, ‘If God loves me how could He…?’ or ‘If God is so great and so sovereign how could He let…?’ Asking questions is not the hard bit. Accepting God’s answer is the hard bit!

Jesus, in Mark 4, told a parable about seed being sown onto four soils. In all, only one of those soils produced a crop. 3 failed. Only 1 succeeded. People will turn away from God because of persecution (ie rocky soil) or because of the riches and deceits of this world (weedy soil) but it’s never easy to bear and is always heart wrenching. To persevere we need to have a deeper and more biblical view of God and what God promises (and what He doesn’t promise) to do in and for us. God never promises us an easy road this side of heaven. The road is narrow and the gate is narrow. Those headed for eternal destruction are on the wide, smooth road and are entering through the wide gate.

 God also promises in today’s verses that He in on our side. Paul asks us, “If God is for us, who can be against us?’ The answer is, of course, no one or no thing. Life is not against us. The world is not against us. Satan may rally against us but he will not prevail. Then Paul asks us, Who will bring any charge against us?’ The answer is again no one! For in Christ all our charges were dealt with and paid in full. Again, Paul asks us ‘Who can condemn us?’ The answer is again, no one. The final question put to us is ‘Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? The answer is getting boring! NO ONE and NO Thing!

The implication is clear. If God is for us then nothing can work against us, no matter how hard they try. But how do we know that God is for us? God the Father chose us in Christ (Eph 1:4) and predestined us to be conformed into the likeness of His Son. He’s working  all things to that end (Romans 8:28-30). God the Son came into our world and gave Himself as a sin offering so that we can be adopted as God’s sons and daughters (Romans 3:21-26). Having been raised to eternal life Jesus intercedes for us (Romans 8:34). The Holy Spirit has been given to us and intercedes for us when we don’t know how to pray or when life is too much a burden for us (Romans 8:26-28).

The reality of the situation is that God is on our side. Even when the chips are down or when life is brutal or rotten  God is for us. Nothing will separate us from God. Nothing will take away the love of Christ. Nothing will thwart God’s plan and God’s will. You are secure in Christ, live joyously!

Having read today’s passage and notes jot down various prayer points in each:




¨ Pray that our Kings Kids ministry would greatly bless the children in the church. Pray that the children grow in faith, in love, in perseverance and in their ability to model Jesus in their worlds.
¨ Pray that the teachers and helpers are blessed by their service and that they grow in knowledge and wisdom too. Pray that God would use them mightily to grow our children in the faith.
 Witness Moment:
Our job is tell people about Jesus and to invite them into the Kingdom. They have to make up their own minds. Unlike so many other religions we do not force people to convert.
We leave that to our God!
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. How can you encourage a believer going through a tough time at present?
2. How can we make sure that we are good soil and not rocky or weedy soil?
3. What are some common misconceptions about what God does promise us? How can you stand up against these false promises?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Friends in this life will come and go. Sometimes they’ll stop liking you for the dumbest of reasons. How we act in these times is vital.

Discuss a time in your life when friends left you. Share how you felt and how you acted. Can you now see a more godly way to act?

Read  Deuteronomy 31:6
What does God promise us in this verse?
What does He call us to do?

Pray together that you would be strong and courageous in all situations and that you’ll bring glory to God.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Boys like to fight over a lot of things. They like to brag and boast about their achievements. This can often cause friendships to be ruined.

Discuss a time when boasting/bragging caused a friendship to fail. How did you act? What would have been a better way to act?

Read  Deuteronomy 31:6
What does God promise us in this verse?
What does He call us to do?

Pray together that you would be strong and courageous in all situations and that you’ll bring glory to God.

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