Read Romans 10:5
There are basically two ways to gain the righteousness of God and these two ways result in two distinct ways to live, but both look remarkably similar. More on that tomorrow. One can seek to earn God’s righteousness or one can simply receive it by faith.
Paul describes the first way in Romans 10:5. In quoting Leviticus 18:5 Paul shows that some have actually tried to earn God’s righteousness by living according to the Law of God. But unfortunately, as Israel found out, no one could live by the law, keeping it in its entirety. Paul has already spent the first 3 chapters of this letter showing how all people, Jew and Gentile included, have fallen short of the standard required by God. The climactic conclusion was stated in Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
If we choose to live by the law in seeking to earn the righteousness or merit of God then we are choosing to be judged by that law as well. If we choose to live by the law then we take upon ourselves the penalty for failing to live up to the law’s requirements. The law cannot save us and was never meant to save us. The law was never given as a means of salvation. As beings born into sin and biased towards sin we naturally come under the condemnation of law. We cannot work our way out of that condemnation. In Romans 8:3 Paul has already shown us that the law was powerless to save us because of our fallen or sinful human nature. Our bias towards sin makes it impossible for the law to save us.
In Galatians 3:24 we read the purpose of the law.
Galatians 3:24 (NIV84)
So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith.
As we meditate upon the law we grow in realisation that we cannot keep the law in and of ourselves. We realise that we are rightly condemned for our inability to live up to the standard of the law. As we seek out hope, our hearts and minds are drawn to Christ Jesus who kept the law for us and who offers us the spoils of His law keeping and sacrifice. In Romans 8:3 we see that God sent His Son Jesus into the world to be a sin offerings for us who couldn’t keep the law. When we put our faith in Jesus His perfect sacrifice is attributed to us for our sins. His perfect law keeping record is also transferred to our account.
If we understand this properly then we might be tempted to ask, ‘Can’t I then live as I please?’ The answer is a firm and loud NO because our hearts are filled with love for God and out of that love and gratitude we seek to live in obedience to the law. We are not trying to buy God’s love but are responding to it.
Having read today’s passage and notes jot down various prayer points in each:
¨ Pray that your church would have a fervent passion to reach the lost. Pray that each person would be actively evangelising people in their world.
¨ Pray that the Kingdom of God would grow as your church evangelises.
The word of God constantly tells us that we can’t earn our salvation. Why? To keep us humble!
1. How can you evangelise someone who thinks that they are a good person?
2. How can you evangelise a person who thinks that they are so bad that God would never accept them anyway?
3. How could you evangelise a person who thinks only of the present and cares nothing for the future?
Intro: Many people in the church feel unimportant and unneeded. They feel useless and that it doesn’t matter if they are at church or not. This is the exact opposite of what God thinks about you.
Discuss some of the good works that God has called you to do in the past. Try to explain why God called you to do them and not someone else.
Read Ephesians 2:10
Why has God created you?
What are some of the good works that God may want you to be involved in this week?
Why do you think God chose you for these good works and not someone else?
Pray together that you joyfully do the good works God made you to do.
Intro: It’s easy for guys to look tough on the outside but to be hurting on the inside and to feel unimportant and useless. God, though, loves you and thinks you are very important.
Discuss some of the good works that God has called you to do in the past. Try to explain why God called you to do them and not someone else.
Read Ephesians 2:10
Why has God created you?
What are some of the good works that God may want you to be involved in this week?
Why do you think God chose you for these good works and not someone else?
Pray together that you joyfully do the good works God made you to do.
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