Saturday, 16 August 2014

Saturday August 16, 2014

Read Romans 9:27-33

Biblical salvation is an amazing thing. It pictures for us two ways of  approaching God. There was the Jewish way described here in Romans 9. The aim of the Jew was to set himself right with God and he regarded a right relationship with God as something which could be earned. Fundamentally, the Jewish idea was that a man, by strict obedience to the law, could pile up a credit balance with God. The result is that God was in his debt and owed him salvation. But it was obviously a losing battle, because man’s imperfection could never satisfy God’s perfection. Nothing that man could do could even begin to repay what God has done for him.

Paul, who himself was a law abiding Pharisee, found another way. He was suddenly confronted with the incredible love of God in Jesus Christ. On the way to Damascus (see Acts 9) he met the living Lord Jesus Christ. He simply cast himself upon that love in total trust.

The Jew sought to put God in his debt; the Gentile was content to be in God’s debt. The Jew believed he could win salvation by doing things for God; the Gentile was lost in amazement at what God had done for him. The Jew sought to find the way to God by works; the Gentile came by the way of trust. The Jews, we are told, stumbled over the ‘stumbling stone’. The stone that Paul mentions crops up again and again through the Old Testament. In the Old Testament there is a series of rather mysterious references to the stone. In Isaiah 8:14 it is said that God shall be for a stone of offence and a rock of stumbling to the houses of Israel. In Isaiah 28:16 God says that Hhe will lay in Zion a foundation, a stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation. In Daniel 2:34, 35, 44, 45, there is a reference to a mysterious stone. In Psalm 118:22 the Psalmist writes: “The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner.”

Paul in speaking of Christ as the stone refers to Isaiah 8:12 where God is said to be a house for both North and South Israel but also a stone that causes them to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. He also refers to Isaiah 28:16 where God is said to lay a stone, a stone that is precious, a cornerstone that can be trusted.  In fact anyone who trusts in Him shall never be put to shame.

This stone depicts the way that people treat Jesus. They will either receive or reject Him. Some people will reject Jesus. The stone will cause them to stumble and fall. We’ve seen this throughout this chapter in the case of Israel.  They pursued God’s righteousness as though it were by works and not by faith. They were crushed by the rock because they refused to believe in Jesus and to submit to Him in faith. But others would receive Jesus. The Gentiles received the love of God and trusted in Christ. The rock became for them a precious cornerstone and by trusting in this Rock they would never be put to shame.

How do you treat Jesus? Have you received Him or are you still rejecting Him?

Having read today’s passage and notes jot down various prayer points in each:



¨ Pray that the Word of God would be faithfully preached this weekend in your church and that the Spirit of God would be working powerfully among you. Pray that everyone would sit joyfully under the authority of the Word of God.
¨ Pray that your congregation would grow as more people are converted to Christ through the grace of God and through your testimony to Christ.
 Walk Moment:
The Christian life is a life of trust and faith from first to last.
 Discussion Questions
1. Discuss the various reactions to Jesus you have personally seen?
2. If you have ever led someone to Christ share that with your group.
3. What should we do if we share Jesus with someone and get a negative reaction?
4. What should we do if we get a hostile reaction?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: People will react to Jesus in different ways.  Some will accept Him. Some will reject Him. Some will be indifferent to Him.

Discuss the different reactions you have seen to Jesus.

Read Romans 9:33
What are the two reactions shown here?
Given that there are two reactions, why do you think some people persecute Christians?

Pray together that you would have opportunity to share Jesus with others and that you would see them accept Jesus.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: People will react to Jesus in different ways.  Some will accept Him. Some will reject Him. Some will be indifferent to Him.

Discuss the different reactions you have seen to Jesus.

Read Romans 9:33
What are the two reactions shown here?
Given that there are two reactions, why do you think some people persecute Christians?

Pray together that you would have opportunity to share Jesus with others and that you would see them accept Jesus.

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