Friday, 15 August 2014

Friday August 15, 2014

Read Romans 9:22-26

A young toddler plays happily with his dad on the swing and in the yard. They laugh and giggle and carry on together. He is happy and content. During the day, however, the father disappears for 8 or so hours and then comes back home. During that time the boy has no comprehension of what his dad is doing. He could be out building machines and bridges or operating on human neurone systems. Whatever the father is doing is beyond the comprehension of the toddler. In a sense, when it comes to the doctrine of election and predestination we are like that toddler. Our heavenly Dad is involved in many things that are simply beyond our comprehension. Sometimes He gives us a glimpse into His workings and we can but stand back, open wide our mouths and stare in wonder and amazement.

Here in Romans 9 vs 22-26  the curtain is opened slightly and we catch a glimpse at the work of God. God has borne with great patience the objects of wrath and through this has chosen to make His wrath and power known. Through this He has allowed us to glimpse at the riches of His glory. God, through His election, has made it possible for us to glimpse at the vast richness of His glory, goodness, grace and mercy to us. 

But even more so, God has chosen to include in His people, the Gentiles who were once not considered a part of God’s people. To the Jew this would have been shocking but Paul recounts Hosea 2:23 and 1:10 to show that God’s plan was always to fill the entire world with people who love Him. Adam and Eve were told (Genesis 1:28) to be fruitful and to fill creation with people. The plan was to fill the world with people who loved God and served Him. When they failed, the mantle fell to Abraham and it was promised to him that he would be the father of many nations (Genesis 12:1-3). From this man came the people of Israel and they were called to God to be a Kingdom of Priests and a holy nation (Exodus 5-6). They were to minister the grace of God to the entire world. When it became clear that Israel would not fulfil her calling, Jesus came and called people back to God. After the resurrection He sent the disciples out into the entire world to ‘make disciples of all nations.’ (Matt 28:18-20). Heaven, in Revelation 7:9, is described as having people from every nation, tribe and tongue gathered around the throne and the Lamb.

God in His infinite wisdom and goodness has chosen certain people for salvation. But even more so, through this choosing He has allowed salvation to reach to the furthest recesses of the globe. God’s original desire of filling the world with people who willingly love Him and serve Him will be realised and will come to pass. 

Everyone who believes in Jesus is a part of that wonderful plan.

Having read today’s passage and notes jot down various prayer points in each:



¨ Pray that your congregation would be unified in Christ and willing/able to love each other with the love of Christ. Pray that all other distinctives such as gender and nationality would be second to that unity in Christ. Pray too that the unity in Christ would speak volumes to a lost and dying world and that this would cause the Kingdom of God to grow.
¨ Pray that this Sonday’s service would be glorifying to God and that the preacher/teacher would be wise and sensitive in preaching this difficult topic. Pray that the congregation would willingly sit under the authority of the Word and not be antagonistic to it.

 Witness Moment:
Unity in Christ even across national boundaries speaks volumes to the unbelieving world and will draw some to Christ.
 Discussion Questions
1. A believer says to you that he can’t accept the doctrine or election because he can’t understand it and it makes no sense to him. How do you respond?
2. How does election fit into the plan of God to fill the world with people who love and serve Him?
3. If another Christian were to say to you that she simply cannot believe this teaching of election, how would you respond?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: God’s plan has always been to fill the world with people who love Him and serve Him joyfully.  This plan will happen whether we like it or not.

Discuss together:
What do you think a day  in Eden would have been like?
What do you think a day in heaven would be like?

Read Matthew 28:18-20
Does God want you to be a missionary?
Who does God want you to share with?
What does God want you to share with them?
Pray together that God would make you a missionary each and every day.
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: God’s plan has always been to fill the world with people who love Him and serve Him joyfully.  This plan will happen whether we like it or not.

Discuss together:
What do you think a day  in Eden would have been like?
What do you think a day in heaven would be like?

Read Matthew 28:18-20
Does God want you to be a missionary?
Who does God want you to share with?
What does God want you to share with them?
Pray together that God would make you a missionary each and every day

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