Saturday, 2 August 2014

Saturday August 2, 2014

Read Romans 8:15-17
We talked yesterday about worldly freedom and biblical freedom. We touched on Galatians 5:13. I wonder if you can remember what that verse teaches?

Picture if you will a so called believer who attends church regularly but throughout the week is a tight fisted, ungenerous man who berates and ridicules his work mates and speaks crudely to them and about them. How does the world see this man and, more importantly, how do they see God through this man?

Before we begin to answer the somewhat obvious, think firstly about what vs15-17 teach us. In verse 14 we are told that we are Sons of God. God is our heavenly Father who adopted us to Himself through the death and resurrection of His one and only legitimate Son, Jesus. The adoption papers were signed in Jesus’ blood. We have the Spirit in us, who allows us to call the Great God Almighty, the holy and righteous God, Daddy! We can come to God with all the intimacy of a young daughter coming to her beloved and trusted Dad. Even more so, the Spirit testifies and confirms to our own spirit that we are Children of God. More than that, He confirms to us that we are Co-heirs with Christ.

Now let’s go back to what the world sees. If the world is going to be drawn to God in adoration/worship then it needs to see the character and personality of God. Rightly or wrongly, the world will see God through us and they will form an opinion of God based on what they see in us! What the world needs to see is our heavenly Dad in all His intimacy, generosity and other centeredness. The world needs to see the purity and holiness of God through and in us. If we live like the fellow described above, the world will be turned away from God. If we fail to love other Christians, that will smear the reputation of God in the world’s eyes. If we are stingy or tight fisted, that paints a particular picture of God. If we are selfish or arrogant the world will walk away from God.

Rightly or wrongly, the world judges God by what it sees in us, His children. Our lives can push people away or draw them to God. When we relate to God as Abba Father, as our Daddy, with all the intimacy that this word entails it’s very hard to then live a contrary life. If we are intimate with God then that intimacy will flow outwards into our treatment of others, our generosity and our general conduct in the world.

To achieve this, you and I need to make uninterrupted, unhurried and regular time with God where we can be intimate with Him. We need time and space to weep in God’s presence, to laugh and sing and cry and complain. We need to have time to listen to Him through the Word, to meditate and to respond in song, in praise, in weeping and repentance as needed. As you immerse yourself in your heavenly Dad, the world will be drawn to Christ.

Sonday Church is a time to gather together with your heavenly Dad. Why would you want to be anywhere else?

Having read today’s passage and notes jot down various prayer points in each:



¨ Pray that tomorrow’s service will be glorifying to God and edifying to the saints.
¨ Pray that any non believers present would be converted to Christ by God’s grace and mercy.

The STAY Prayer
If you are not sure whether or not you are Spirit filled or if you have never made a decision to follow Jesus then you can pray this prayer. Remember to tell someone that you have prayed this prayer.

Each letter of the STAY prayer helps us to remember what to say to God. But remember that everything we say must come from the heart.

S stands for sorry. We need to tell God we are truly sorry for rejecting him, for living apart from him and for trying to be our own boss.

Eg; Lord God Almighty, I sincerely apologies for rejecting you, for living apart from you and for trying to be my own boss. I ask you lord God to forgive me for everything I’ve done, said or thought that displeases you.

T stands for Thank you. We need thank God that Jesus died on the cross and rose to eternal life for us personally and to pay for everything we’ve done that displeases God.

Eg: Lord I praise and thank You that Jesus died on the cross to fully pay for all my sins. I thank you that he rose to eternal life for me personally. I thank you that everything needed for me to be saved has been done by Jesus at the cross.

A stands for Ask. We need to ask God into our life through the Holy Spirit knowing that He will dwell in our hearts from this moment on.

Eg: And so Lord God I ask you to dwell in me, to be my captain and Lord. I ask you to lead me and show me how to live in every area of my life so that I can bring glory and honour to you in all things.

Ystands for Yippee!  We need to praise God for saving us and we need to dedicate our lives to Him.

Eg; Father God, I praise you and thank you for saving me and for giving me eternal life through your Spirit. I dedicate every part of my life to you from this moment on.   In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

Walk Moment:
Your life paints a picture of God to the world. It can be a good or bad picture. You decide which one it is.
 Discussion Questions
1. Describe when you meet with your Heavenly Dad and what that time looks like.
2. How can you counsel the believer who says she has no time to spend with God?
3. How can you grow in intimacy with God?
4. What elements make for a ‘deep’ and ‘rich’ prayer life?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Each of us has a relationship with God. What that relationship looks like depends largely on us and how we treat God.

Discuss what your relationship with God looks like at present and how you would like it to look.

Read Isaiah 55:6-7
What does God want us to do?
How can we do this better?
How can we grow in intimacy with God?

Pray together that you would have a rich and deep relationship with God.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Boys aren’t always good at relationships. Sometimes we struggle to know what to do or to say. Our relationship with God takes a lot of work and practice. 

Discuss what your relationship with God looks like at present and how you would like it to look.

Read Isaiah 55:6-7
What does God want us to do?
How can we do this better?
How can we grow in our relationship with God?

Pray together that you would have a rich and deep relationship with God.
 Suggestions for Cell
 Welcome and Catch-up time

             Read Romans 8:1-17

The leader can choose songs or have the group choose favourites.

             Prayer Time.
As people share prayer points encourage them to also share how they would like prayer based on Romans 8:1-17.

Word & Walk.
Discuss as a group.
Is everyone certain that they are Spirit filled? Discuss and go through STAY prayer if needed.
How would you sum up the main point of this week’s passage?
What caught your attention in Romans 8:1-17? Why?
What challenges did you face in the reading notes this week?
Read the notes for Saturday August 2 and do the Discussion questions.

Let each person share who they are seeking to witness to about Jesus and spend time as a group praying for all the people mentioned, for open doors to share and for conversions.

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