Read Romans 11:22-24, Romans 11:33-36
Perseverance is a key characteristic of the Christian faith. Indeed it is only those who persevere who will enter the new heavenly creation. Obviously if we don’t persevere in the faith then we cannot expect to the receive the eternal reward that all the faithful receive. This is clearly pictured in the parable of the four soils that Jesus told. In Mark 4:1-20 Jesus showed that even though many receive the Word of God (the seed), some will not persevere. The seed grown in rocky soil withers in the heat of the midday sun. So too many a so called believer has withered in the heat of persecution. The seed sown in weedy soil sprouts up but does not bear fruit because it is choked by the weeds. So too many a so called Christian has been choked of fruit bearing by the deceit of wealth and the desire for other things.
In Romans 11:22 we are told that we must continue in faith/belief. Hebrews 12:1-12 shows us how we are to persevere. We are to throw off everything that hinders us and the sin that can so easily entangle our lives (vs1). We are to fix our attention on Jesus who is the author and perfector of our faith (vs2). We are to meditate on how Jesus endured the cross for us and how He overcame so that we will not grow weary and lose heart (vs4). Even more so, we are to consider hard times as times of discipline from the Lord (vs5,7) and we are to know deep within ourselves that the Lord disciplines those whom He loves (vs6).
We are to realise constantly that God’s discipline will grow in us a harvest of righteousness (vs12). We are to praise God for His love to us.
The key to perseverance is to realise that God is the author and perfector of our faith. He gives us faith by grace and by that same grace He leads us through this life into our eternal inheritance. Paul declared in 2 Tim 4:18 that God would rescue us from every evil attack and would lead us safely to our heavenly home. The Christian life is a life of grace from start to finish!
It’s no wonder that Paul finishes Romans 11 with a doxology of praise. As we think about the entire argument from chapter 9 through chapter 11 can we do anything else but praise the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God? We can’t search out His judgements and we can’t trace out His paths. We don’t know the mind of the Lord unless it’s revealed to us and we certainly can’t counsel Him in His ways. What is left but to declare and sing His praises? Let us join in with Paul in that great doxology of praise:
33 Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out!
34 “Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been His counsellor?”
35 “Who has ever given to God, that God should repay Him?”
36 For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.
Having read today’s passage and notes jot down various prayer points in each:
¨ As you think through your congregation, pray for those who are going through a tough time. Pray for God to bring perseverance and a growth in faith. Pray that these people will see this time as God’s discipline.
¨ Ask God to show you how you personally can encourage and edify these people that are going through tough times.
When we go through trials and temptations we can react in two ways. We can whinge and whine, or we can praise God. Which do you think is more honouring to God?
1. When you consider the issue of perseverance what is God’s part and what is our part?
2. How can we encourage and build up a believer who wants to give up the faith because of his/her hard trials?
3. What other passages in the Bible speak of perseverance?
Intro: Life will always be filled with tough times. Sometimes the tough times will last for a long long time.
Discuss; a time in your life that was particularly tough and how you endured.
Read Romans 5:1-5
Explain why we can rejoice in tough times?
What tough times have you gone through already in which you praised God?
How can you keep this focus in tough times?
Pray together for perseverance for those you know who are in a tough time
Intro: Life will always be filled with tough times. Sometimes the tough times will last for a long long time.
Discuss; a time in your life that was particularly tough and how you endured.
Read Romans 5:1-5
Explain why we can rejoice in tough times?
What tough times have you gone through already in which you praised God?
How can you keep this focus in tough times?
Pray together for perseverance for those you know who are in a tough time
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