Read Romans 10:10-13
In the animated movie, ‘The Rise of the Guardians’ North (aka Santa Clause) tells Jack Frost that he has to find his centre. The whole movie is, in a sense, about how Jack finds and unleashes his true centre - the thing that gives his life meaning and direction.
When Paul tells us to believe in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead he is referring to the same centre that Jack Frost had to find. We need to invite the risen Lord Jesus Christ to reside permanently in the core of our being, our centre, which the Bible often calls the heart!
When the resurrected Jesus is invited in, our life has direction and purpose and meaning. With Jesus in my centre, everything I do, I do for Him because He is in my centre. My life is now lived in adoration and worship of Christ Jesus. When I go to work, I take Jesus with me and I work for Him, more so than for my boss or for my own pocket. When I play sport Jesus is there in my centre and I serve Him on the sports field. When I hang with friends I hang with Jesus at my centre and I serve Him among my friends. When I watch TV I watch with Him at my centre. With Jesus in my centre, everything changes. A young Christian man who was addicted realised this truth and from that point forward he began to walk in victory. He could no longer indulge in that addiction because of the truth that God was in his centre even when he indulged in his addiction. Slowly but surely he overcame that addiction.
The Bible also teaches us that the mouth speaks out of the overflow of the heart. If you want to know where a person’s heart is, spend a bit of time with them and listen to what they talk about. You’ll soon hear the echo of their heart!
If they talk about themselves then self is at their centre. If they talk about money then money is at their centre. If they talk about…. you get the picture? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Matthew 12:34.
When Jesus is our centre we can let that overflow into our words and we can confess Him as Lord. We can unashamedly confess Him and introduce Him to other people in our world. We can unashamedly declare His praises for He has called us out of darkness into His wonderful light.
Far too many Christians have Jesus in their centre but are trying to suppress Him or keep Him quiet. Far too many Christians want to live as though something else were at their centre. Be true to yourself. Let Jesus grow and thrive in your centre and let Him be your purpose and direction and meaning in life.
When Jack Frost finally found his centre he was filled with joy. Life had a new meaning and vitality. You’ll find the same thing when you let Jesus be your centre.
Having read today’s passage and notes jot down various prayer points in each:
¨ Pray that both yourself and everyone in your congregation would release Jesus into their centres and that you would all live for Him in everything.
¨ Pray that this centre filled with Christ would flow outwards into holy and righteous living that convicts the world and brings many to Christ.
¨ Pray that God opens many doors to bring gospel preaching opportunities that causes the church to grow and multiply.
If we understand that we are saved by God’s grace and not of our own efforts then we can humbly and loving help others find that salvation too, without appearing proud or arrogant.
1. What characteristics would you see in a person who has Jesus at their centre?
2. Why do you think Paul talks about believing in your heart and not just in your mind as we do?
3. Why is confessing Christ as Lord with our mouths an important part of salvation?
4. Can a person be saved if they are unwilling or too scared to profess Jesus as Lord with their mouth?
Intro: Often when we like someone we are too shy to tell them outright. In what ways do you show someone you like them?
Discuss ways that you have shown someone you like them .
Read Mark 12:28-34.
What are the two most important commandments?
Explain each one.
Share ways that you can show each commandment in your own life.
Pray together that you would grow in love for God and for others.
Intro: When a boy likes a girl he often shows it in funny ways because saying it is too hard and too embarrassing.
Discuss ways that you have shown someone you like them .
Read Mark 12:28-34.
What are the two most important commandments?
Explain each one.
Share ways that you can show each commandment in your own life.
Pray together that you would grow in love for God and for others.
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