How many people have destroyed their lives with the endless chasing after wealth and success? It seems to be a common story in our culture. A man, maybe even motivated to provide for his family, works harder and harder for wealth and career success. He puts in more and more hours. Again and again he chases that next promotion. In the process, rather than draw his family closer, he drives his family away. In the pursuit of money he loses something that money can never buy.
Solomon raises the issue of wealth, success and achievement in this part of Ecclesiastes. In verse 4 he makes this stunning statement: And I saw that all labour and all achievement spring from man's envy of his neighbour.
Solomon doesn't pull any punches. In his assessment of all that is taking place under the sun (vs 1) he sees that the motivation behind all human striving and toil is based on the envy of one's neighbour. His point is clear: all our hard work, all our pursuit of wealth and success is motivated by our desire for more and our envy of those who have it.
Solomon also makes it clear that this sort of greed and desire is insatiable. Notice in verse 8 he sees a man who seems to have it all. In fact, there was no end to this man's toil. Solomon tells us that he was wealthy. And yet, "his eyes were not content with his wealth." If we work and toil for the sake of wealth and success we will never be satisfied. Despite how many times we say "I'll just work hard for this next promotion" or "We'll work hard now until we are earning $X or until we can afford Y." The nature of material wealth is that there is never enough. As long as we keep working for it we will keep desiring more and more.
John condemns this kind of greed and desire in the Christian. In fact, according to John, whoever loves the world or the things of the world (wealth, success, power, fame, etc.) cannot have the love of the father in him. This greed and desire does not come from God. In fact it is sinful and from the world.
Finally this kind of pursuit is also ultimately futile. All of these things that we build up, pursue and desire so desperately will one day pass away. All the wealth you have build will disappear, all your success and fame with fade, any power you have accumulated will be passed on to another. Everything you have worked for will pass away.
What is the answer to this? Verse 17, "The world and it's desires pass away but the man who does the will of God lives forever." We are not to labour for the sake of things that will never satisfy. Things that will ultimately pass away. Instead we are to labour for the things of God that are ours through Christ. Only in Him is true wealth and lasting success found. Only through Christ can our life find ultimate meaning and purpose.
Take a moment to do a self check. Are you striving for worldly success, material wealth and fleeting pleasures that will never satisfy? Instead strive for God's will through Christ. Pray that God would transform your heart and that you might pursue and desire Him above all else.
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use todayĆ¢€™s reading to help you get ideas.
- Pray for those in your church who are consumed with the pursuit of material wealth or worldly success. Pray that God would fill them with a passion for Him and the things that He loves. Pray that they would seek after Him and His kingdom above all else. Pray that they would love their families well and that in all their relationships they would point to Christ.
- Pray for all the churches in our Presbytery and across Queensland which don't have full time ministers. Pray that God would raise up people to teach and to pastor the churches. Pray that God would strengthen and equip the elders of these churches for this difficult task. Pray that God would raise up men across Queensland with a passion for country churches and that God would enable these churches to be able to support them.
My Additional Prayer Points
Discussion Questions for families and groups
- It is so easy to get caught up in the pursuit of material wealth or success. How can you check your heart regularly to ensure that you are not consumed with these things?
- What would you say to another believer who was pursuing a career at the cost of their family?
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