Monday, 7 October 2013

Monday 7 October 2013

Read: Ecclesiastes 4:1-3, Isaiah 51:12-16
Have you ever wished you had never been born? This is a huge statement. A statement like this is not normally made lightly. Instead this sort of claim is generally only made under severe suffering or distress. This claim is normally reserved for those who feel truly, entirely broken.
That is why it is so shocking that Solomon would make this statement regarding all people in verses 2-3. Not only does Solomon say that those who are dead are better off than the living, he takes it a step further and says that the one who was never born is better off than both of them. He makes the radical statement that every person would be better off if they had never been born. What could possibly lead Solomon to such a dire conclusion?
We find the answer in verse 1 and in the end of verse 3. Solomon has looked again at all the oppression, evil and suffering under the sun and he is horrified by what he sees. His conclusion is as horrible as the awful things he sees; man would be better off to never exist than to be exposed to this fallen world.
How do we reconcile Solomon's conclusion with the hope that we have in Christ? Should we also decide that it would be better to never have been born and spend the rest of our lives wallowing in self pity?
NO WAY! Why? Because we have a reason for hope which Solomon did not include in his statement. Solomon comes to this conclusion after seeing all that is taking place under the sun. In order to see our reason for hope and comfort we must look above the sun, to our comfort and hope. Unlike those with no comfort that Solomon is talking about we are promised that God Himself will be our comfort.
We see this in Isaiah 51. God reminds His people that they can have comfort in who He is. He reminds them that He is the all powerful creator and sovereign ruler of the universe. Why would they fear anyone else when the all powerful God of the universe promises to be their comfort and to hold them in His hand?
How much more can we, those who are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, brought to perfect relationship with the Father and in dwelt by the Holy Spirit, have confidence in our all powerful, comforter God. Because of Him we can find tremendous hope and comfort in the face of terrible suffering. It is good to live as a child of God.
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use todayĆ¢€™s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Pray for the married men in your congregation. Pray that through the strength of the Holy Spirit that they would lead their families well. Pray that they would have the sensitivity to care for their wives and children in a way which honours Christ. Pray that they would be courageous in proclaiming Christ to all who would hear.
  • Pray for the single men in your congregation. Pray that they would continue to grow in their love for God. Pray that they would honour Him in the way that they treat women and children. Pray that all they do would be done for the glory of God. Pray that they would be zealous in their self-sacrificial service of the church and God's kingdom.
My Additional Prayer Points

Discussion Questions for families and groups
  1. When you are grieving or in trouble what practical things can you do to remind yourself of the comfort found in God?
  2. How would you describe this comfort to other believers?

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