Read: Ecclesiastes 7:1-4. Proverbs 10:7
Boys and men are naturally competitive. An old grandfather knew this quite well. When faced with the dilemma of getting his stubborn young toddler-grandson to drink his evening milk, the wise grandfather refused to threaten punishment. Rather, in a tactfully wise move he poured two glasses and simply challenged the young defiant lad with the words, ‘I’ll race you!’ The boy gulped down the milk before he’d realized he’d be outwitted.
We have to jettison that kind of competitive edge as we read Ecclesiastes chapter 7. Solomon is not pitting one thing against another but rather is showing the benefits of one way of living as opposed to another. Just like Jesus’ Beatitudes in the Sermon on Mount, Solomon too would have caused a few raised eyebrows and dropped jaws!
When Solomon says that the day of death is better than the day of birth he is not advocating a replication of the Jones town massacre.
The context is that a good name is better than fine perfume. The Hebrew for name is “shem”. The Hebrew for perfume is “shemem”.
He was making a play on words to point out that our name/reputation is determined by the way we live this life. We can leave a fragrant perfume or a festering pong. Wisdom will lead to one, folly will lead to the other. When people stand around your coffin at your funeral which will they smell from your life?
In vs 2-4 Solomon encourages us to learn from death & not to avoid it by burying our head in the sand or filling it with 24/7 non stop, thought-drowning music. Solomon’s point is made well in Psalm 90:12 - Teach us O Lord to number our days rightly so that we might live in wisdom (my own translation).
In a similar vein we can analyze what Solomon says about laughter and mourning and pleasure seeking.
There is nothing negative or morose in Solomon’s words. Rather they are wise words that the wise person will heed and apply. Are you a wise man/woman? Will you hear the choice words that Solomon has for you?
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
ª Pray that your Session has a heart of wisdom and a desire to know the Word of God and, more importantly, a desire to apply it to themselves and to the congregation. Pray that these men are soaked in the Word and are constantly hiding it in their hearts so that it can flow outwards in their words and lives.
ª Pray that your cell leaders would be filled with the Word and willing to study the Word and to grow in it so that they are workmen/women acceptable to God who rightly handle the Word of God. Pray that as they lead and facilitate they will have the wisdom to grow and mature each believer in their cell.
My Additional Prayer Points
Consider Randolph from yesterday.
1. How would Ecclesiastes 7:1-4 speak to him?
2. In what ways can sorrow, mourning and being in the house of grieving benefit us as compared to laughter and being in the house of pleasure?
3. If a person like Randolph is a pleasure seeker, what does it say about him and his faith?
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