Thursday, 24 October 2013

Thursday 24 October 2013

Read: Ecclesiastes 5:18-20, Psalm 127:1-5
"Take time to stop and smell the roses"
We have all heard this old cliche but have you ever stopped to think that this cliche holds a fair amount of truth for Christians also? As Christians we should often take time to stop and enjoy the good things that God has created. We should pause to enjoy the pleasure of good food over a meal with friends. We should often take a moment to enjoy God's creation, to enjoy the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the fresh air. We should take a moment to get on the floor and enjoy playing with our children, our grandchildren or even our great grandchildren. And as we do each of these things we should pause to thank God for His good gifts to us.
Solomon talked about taking this kind of pleasure and satisfaction in life in Ecclesiastes, "Then I realised that it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink, and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labour." Solomon recognised that it is good for a man to enjoy the good things that God has given, for example food, drink and satisfaction in our work, but Solomon also recognised something very important about this enjoyment. It can only come from God Himself.
When Solomon talks about enjoying wealth and possessions in verse 19 he notes that this is only possible when God enables him to enjoy them. He reminds us that being content and finding satisfaction in our work is a gift of God. In verse 20 we find that the man who is content and enjoys life is seldom occupied by regrets, anxieties and endless introspection, instead he is occupied with gladness of heart and joy that comes from God himself.
Think about all the ways that you pursue pleasure apart from God. Do you seek to find enjoyment and satisfaction by distracting yourself with entertaining movies and enthralling books? Do you secretly try to find pleasure and satisfaction in hidden sins? Do you try to work endlessly to build up wealth thinking that if you only had money then you would be happy? Do you escape into your family, finding fleeting happiness and meaning in spending time with them until they go home, leaving you empty and alone? It is pointless trying to find lasting pleasure and satisfaction in life unless we find it in and through God himself.
Solomon makes this same point in Psalm 127 by describing various forms of work. Are you building a house? Unless God is doing the work nothing the builders do will last. Watching over a city? Unless the Lord watches and guards the city nothing the watchmen do will be effective. Even something as simple (or not simple!) as having children is a blessing that comes from the Lord. Unless He provides we cannot do it on our own. The same concept applies to our pursuit of pleasure and satisfaction, unless God is the one who provides it, we strive for pleasure and satisfaction in vain.
We could put it like this: "Unless the Lord provides the enjoyment and satisfaction the Christian smells the roses in vain."
Dear brother or sister, stop vainly seeking after pleasure and satisfaction without pursuing and seeking the only one who who can grant true and lasting pleasure and satisfaction. Make Him your greatest priority and your greatest search and you will find true contentment, true pleasure and true Joy in Him.
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use todayĆ¢€™s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Praise God for all the good things that He has created for us to enjoy. Pray that you would find your greatest joy and pleasure in Him alone. Pray that that joy would stir you on to share Him with others and to live your life for Him. Pray that those in your congregation would see Him as their greatest joy and pleasure and be filled with a great passion to share Him with others.
  • Pray for the small groups that gather in your church to study the bible and encourage one another. Pray that God would work in the hearts of each and every person and grow them to be more like Him. Pray that God would give great wisdom and understanding of His word and that He would empower people to apply it to their lives.
My Additional Prayer Points

Discussion Questions for families and groups
  1. What are some thing that you seek pleasure, satisfaction and happiness in apart from God?
  2. Practically, what would it look like to find your greatest pleasure, satisfaction and joy in Him?

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