Monday, 21 October 2013

Monday 21 October 2013

Coming Up: Sunday 27 October 2013

Rich Man, Poor Man

Read: Ecclesiastes 5:8-9, Mark 10:35-45
In December, 1991 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was officially dissolved ending a 69 year experiment in socialist and communist government. The experiment had been a disaster costing the nation socially, economically and politically for decades. The idea behind the regime was that man should hold everything in common and use everything for the good of all of the people, a noble goal. Instead man's fallen nature resulted in incredible corruption, greed and human rights abuses. Even in a society designed and intended from the ground up to be a place of mutual human flourishing, sin showed its ugly head and resulted in terrible suffering and loss.
Although the Soviets might have been surprised at the result of their experiment, we should not be. In fact Solomon talks about this very kind of oppression and injustice here in Ecclesiastes. He reminds us that when we see this kind of oppression, injustice and evil in the world we should not be surprised. We should remember that there will always be those in power, those who are officials and kings, who will abuse their authority for their own personal gain. Even the king profits from the fields of the poor. This is the nature of a fallen world.
We do not need to look far to see this kind of corruption and injustice in our own world. Those in positions of power and authority in business use their employees for their own gain. Many politicians abuse their power and authority to serve their own needs and desires. Even those we trust to enforce justice sometimes turn out to merely be serving themselves.
Jesus exhorts His followers to live a different way. In Mark 10 James and John come to Jesus to ask Him to grant them positions of great authority, to sit on His right and left when He is exalted in glory. Jesus, showing His own humility tells them that this request is not His to grant but instead uses the situation to teach them about authority in His kingdom. Unlike what Solomon is talking about where those in authority lord it over those who are underneath them, Jesus disciples are to serve others. In fact, Jesus commands that the one who desires to be first must be the slave of all.
His next statement should amaze us, "For even the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Think about that for a moment. God himself came to Earth not to be served by man (as would be right!) but instead to serve man and to suffer and die for His enemies. The same God who shaped, formed and maintains the universe by His power surrendered everything to humble himself and serve His creation.
There is no greater example for how we should live as followers of Jesus. We too must live to serve others rather than use authority, power or success to serve our own wants and desires. We do not participate in the corruption that Solomon describes but we serve others.
How can you serve others with all that God has given you?
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use todayĆ¢€™s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Praise God for all the circumstances and opportunities that He has given you to serve others. Pray that He would give you the humility to serve faithfully and sacrificially. Pray that He would show you opportunities to serve those in the church as well as those outside the church.
  • Pray for those who are in authority and power. Pray that God would help them to be faithful to the position that He has placed them in. Pray that if they do not know Christ that they might be convicted of their sin and turn to Him in faith and repentance. Pray that they would not abuse their power for their own sake but would be honest and faithful to those that they serve.
My Additional Prayer Points
1. 2.
Discussion Questions for families and groups
  1. Practically what does it mean to be a slave of all that Jesus talks about? Should we always bend to the will and command of others?
  2. What would it look like to do this in your church?

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