Saturday, 19 October 2013

Saturday 19 October 2013

Read: Luke 18:15-30
Imagine that a three year old child comes to their father and berates them for not working hard enough: "Dad! I can't believe that you're not doing more for me! You know I do all the hard work around here. I feed myself, I provide my own food, I change myself, I bath and clean myself, I drive myself everywhere I need to go, I pay my own bills and I do all my own washing. And yet you can't even hold up your end of the bargain and give me the toys that I want!"
Of course this conversation is totally ridiculous. A three year old child could never do these things on their own. When they come to their dad demanding things on the basis of their own hard work they forget one very important thing: their dependance. A three year old child depends on their parent for everything. They could not even fend for themselves without an adult who watches over them and provides for them.
In the same way we are utterly dependant on God. We are like a three year old who cannot possibly do anything without help. Without God we have no hope of making ourselves right with Him. Without God's work in our heart we have no chance of changing to be more holy. In fact, without God's work in us we cannot even put our faith and trust in Him. We truly do rely on God for everything.
God desires that we would remember our utter dependance in our relationship with Him. Jesus talks about this kind of dependance in Luke 18 in two separate encounters. The first encounter is between Jesus, the disciples and some children who have been brought to Jesus. The disciples seek to send the children away, zealous to guard their master's precious time. Instead Jesus uses the situation to teach His disciples something about the kingdom and to show them their total dependance on God, "I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
In the next encounter we see a rich ruler who believes that He should be able to earn his way into the kingdom of God. He comes to Jesus to ask that fatal question, "What must I do to inherit eternal life." Jesus asks him a pointed question to expose his true idol and he goes away sad. When the disciples ask Jesus about this He uses the astonishing picture, "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
The disciples are confused, to them being rich is a sure sign of God's blessing, if the rich cannot be saved then who can possibly be saved!? Jesus reply reveals His true lesson, "What is impossible with men is possible with God."
The rich young ruler failed to realise his utter dependance on God. He thought that he could do things to earn God's favour but totally missed the fact that he is dependant on God just like the little children who came to Jesus are dependant on their parents.
We too depend on God for everything. Our only hope is found in Him. Rather than come to Him demanding things with many vain words and empty promises, full of our own self importance, we must come to God totally dependant, totally humble and totally in need of His grace. Let us always remember that.
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use todayĆ¢€™s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Pray for church on the green happening tomorrow at ChristLife. Pray that God would work powerfully amongst all who attend. Pray that many community members would come along to participate and to join in the church service. Pray that God would be preparing their hearts. Pray that the gospel would be preached powerfully and faithfully and that many would come to faith in Jesus Christ. Pray that those who are normally part of the ChristLife congregation would be welcoming, inviting and bold in sharing Christ with others.
  • Pray for the gathering of believers at your own church tomorrow. Pray that the word of God would be faithfully preached and that many would be challenged to live their whole lives for the sake of the gospel. Pray that God would grow each and every congregation member in their love for Him and their desire to serve Him.
My Additional Prayer Points

Discussion Questions for families and groups
We can so quickly forget our absolute dependance on God and try to do things in our own strength or approach God as if we are self sufficient.
  1. How does it change the way you think and feel to realise that you depend on God for everything rather than try to achieve it yourself?
  2. What are some practical ways that you can remind yourself of your dependence on God?

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