Read: Ecclesiastes 5:1-7
Ever since the fall each and every person wants deep down to manipulate and use people to gain their own selfish desires. Think about it, we see tyrants throughout history who have seen their subjects merely as tools to be used and manipulated for their own ends. We see people who are successful in their careers because they have learnt to use, manipulate and step on people to get ahead. Without Christ we even see this in our own families as we try to manipulate and use others to give us comfort, meaning, security and value.
We use all sorts of 'tools' and methods to try to manipulate and control others. Things that are themselves good are twisted and manipulated as we seek to use others for our benefit.
Perhaps the greatest example of this is the way that we attempt to use organised religion to manipulate the all powerful God of the universe into worshipping us and serving our needs.
Instead of seeing God as the all powerful God of the universe, alone worthy of all praise, glory, honour and service we see Him as our own cosmic butler. If we merely satisfy Him using the tool of religion He should serve our every need and whim, providing whatever we ask for.
In Ecclesiastes Solomon blasts this kind of self-serving religion. Solomon recognises that we do not do our religious duties and actions for our own sake or to manipulate a passive God. Instead we must humbly seek a real relationship with an incredible, almighty God.
What does a genuine relationship with this kind of God look like? Solomon doesn't leave us guessing, instead he shows us in detail how a genuine relationship with God should look. This week we will examine these components of a genuine relationship from this passage in Ecclesiastes as well as a number of other passages. Through the week we will see that a genuine relationship with God should show:
- Sincere Respect;
- Genuine Prayer;
- Unconditional Obedience;
- Total Devotion; and
- Utter Dependance.
Before we examine our relationship with God this week take some time today to pray that God would prepare your heart. Pray that He would give you wisdom and understanding through the Holy Spirit and that He would help you to understand your heart.
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use todayĆ¢€™s reading to help you get ideas.
- Pray for Church on the Green at Christlife this coming Sunday. Pray that God would begin preparing the hearts of many in the area to come and to hear about what Christ has done for them. Pray that the Christlife congregation members would be bold in inviting people to come. Pray that God would guide those who will lead the service and that the gospel would be preached boldly, faithfully and confidently.
- Pray for those in your community who do not know the saving love of Christ. Pray that God would grow in your heart and the hearts of all the Christians in your community a compassion for those who are lost and a passion to share Christ with them. Pray that many would come to faith in Him.
My Additional Prayer Points
Discussion Questions for families and groups
- What are some of the ways that people try to manipulate God to serve their desires?
- Look over the 5 things we will be discussing this week. Which ones do you find particularly interesting or worth studying? Why?
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