Friday, 11 October 2013

Friday 11 October 2013

Read: Ecclesiastes 4:8-12, Romans 12:1-13
 There are few feelings which are as terrible as the feeling of being lonely. God made humanity to be in relationships with each other in the same way that He has always been in relationship. When these relationships are broken or missing out of a persons life it is very difficult.
Solomon turns his attention to this same issue. He describes a man who worked hard and toiled although He had no one to share the fruit of his toil with. Solomon says that this is meaningless, a miserable business. Going on he describes that it is best to live in relationship rather than to be alone. This often quoted passage reflects an important truth, God desires that His people live in community. He does not intend for us to live and serve alone, instead He built us to work together.
God does not just expect us to find this kind of community and help for ourselves. He actually provides it to us! That is what Paul is talking about in Romans 12. After spending the first 11 chapters of Romans establishing the wondrous truth of the gospel Paul turns his attention to the practical implications. One of the first things that Paul talks about is the community which God has established for His people: The Church.
How does Paul characterise this community and command us to be a part of it? Notice verse 10, "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honour one another above yourselves." The church is a community that must be completely devoted to one another in love. It is a community that puts others first. God has given us that community that we need.
If a believer in the church falls down, the community of believers is there to help him up. Through teamwork in the community believers are able to achieve a good return for their service and work for the kingdom. The church community is able to warm and keep one another in the love of Christ. The church community is able to defend one another from harm and outside attack.
This community is not just something we consume however, it is something we must participate in. We must be devoted to one another, serving one another and using our gifts for the sake of others. We must be actively involved in creating the community of God.
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
  • Pray for the youth of the church. Pray that God would encourage them and strengthen them in their faith in God. Pray that they would grow in their passion and love for Him. Pray that they might seek after God and live in His ways. Pray that men and women in the church would take an interest in serving and growing the youth and encouraging them in their faith.
  • Pray for the church body. Pray that God would grow in your heart a brotherly love for all members of your church. Pray that you would have a desire and passion to serve your brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray that God would grow a spirit of community and self-sacrificial love in your church.
My Additional Prayer Points

Discussion Questions for families and groups
  1. How can you practically encourage and serve those in the church who are feeling lonely?
  2. When you are feeling lonely how can you find comfort and help in the community of the church?

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