Tuesday 19 April 2011

Tuesday April 19 - The Secret Chamber

Listen to God’s heart, then speak from your heart to others.

Read: Isaiah 50:4-5

People have some needs that are excruciatingly deep.  Poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote, “Never morning wore to evening, but some heart did break”.

We find ourselves in conversation at times with heartbroken friends and may feel at an utter loss to know what to say.  How can we “speak a word in season to him who is weary,” as it says in Isaiah 50:4?

Telling people what human teachers have taught us may have some impact on them.  But the most helpful or persuasive words are spoken by those who are taught by the Lord Himself.

That’s why it’s essential for us to sit at Jesus’ feet and learn from Him.  The more we receive from Him, the more we have to give to others.  George MacDonald [pictures this time with the Lord as having “ a chamber in God Himself”.  He continues: “Out of [that] chamber ... Man has to bring revelation and strength for his brethren.  This is that for which he was made.”  It’s through our thoughtful and prayerful Bible study, reading, and quiet meditation that God speaks to our hearts. He gives us “the tongue of the learned”  (Isa.50:4) so that we have something to share with those who are in the depths of despair.  - David Roper

The comfort God has given us

He wants us  all to share

With others who, with broken hearts,

Are caught in deep despair.  - Sper


³ As we plan for our next sermon series in May (Victorious Through the Fire) pray that we would see many people be freed from sinful habits and chains. Pray that God would work powerfully among us to show the world that Jesus is Lord, even Our Lord.

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