Monday 4 April 2011

April 4 Monday - A “Banana Slug” Lesson

Beware of spending too much time on matters of too little importance.

Read:  Micah 6:1-8

Sports team names have a variety of origins.  They come from history (Spartans, Mountaineers,) nature (Cardinals, Terrapins) and even colours (Orange, Reds).  One even from the mollusk family.

In the 1980s, the University of California at Santa Cruz was just starting to get involved in competitive sports.  UCSC had a bit of distain for the overemphasis some big-time schools place on athletes, so that student body sought a team name that would reflect a somewhat different approach.  They decided on the name Banana Slug, a yellow, slimy, slow, shell-less mollusk.  It was a clever way for UCSC to give a balanced perspective on the relating worth of sports.

I have always loved sports, but I know that they can easily become more important than they should be.  What matters most in life is what Jesus said is most vital – loving God with all of our hearts and loving our neighbours as ourselves (Matt  22:37-39).   Micah listed God’s requirements this way:  “do justly,” “love mercy” and “walk humbly with your God” (6:8).  For believers in Jesus, it is vital that nothing else takes top priority over God’s expectations for us.

What matters most to you?  The Spartans?  The Red Sox? Or loving God in thought, word and action?  - Bill Crowder

Lord, what matters most to You today?

What can direct us in each thing we do?

Could it be to let nothing at all

Interfere with our deep love with you?  - Branon


³ Pray that we would all have wisdom in the way that we spend out time, our money and our energy. Pray that we would be wise stewards of all that God has given us.  Ask God to give us all opportunities to glorify Jesus in our words, our actions, our spending and in our use of time.

³ Continue to pray for the work of Shiloh Church ministries and the mission team headed their in September.

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