Saturday 18 September 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Read Mark 12: 28 –31

When Jesus gave us the great commission in Matthew 28 He told us to teach the new disciples.  While there are many things we can teach them, ultimately we have to teach them to love the Lord with their entire being.  This means, as Jesus tells us, loving Jesus with our heart, with our soul, with our mind.

It is a lifelong process to bring the heart and mind in line with God’s word.  As we mature in Christ we grow to love Him more with our emotions, with our thoughts with everything we have.  Overtime our negative emotions will grow dimmer as our love for the Lord and others blossoms. Our sinful and ungodly thoughts will dissipate as we think about things that are holy and pleasing to the Lord. Our ‘things’, our toys and possessions, will be more and more used for the glory of the Lord and for His kingdom.

As a mature Christian, you have the wonderful privilege of being able to disciple a younger believer.  Why not find a new convert this weekend and enter into a discipling relationship.  You can then help another believer grow and mature in their love for the Lord.


m Pray that the volleyball event this afternoon will bring many non Christian teenagers along.  Pray for their conversion.  Pray for those who will share their testimony.

m Pray for the “Death by Chocolate night”.  Ask God to use the speakers powerfully for His Glory.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will bring many people to Christ.

Get Into It!

Pray that God would show you who to enter into a discipling relationship with tomorrow.

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