Friday 17 September 2010

Friday September 17, 2010

Read Mark 11:19-25

As the mission week continues we need to remember the place of faith in our mission.  As the disciples were heading into Jerusalem, they saw a fig tree that had withered from the roots up.  The remembered that Jesus had cursed the fig tree and they were amazed.

Jesus told them to have faith in God.  He told them that if they had faith they could say to this mountain, ‘Go throw yourself in the sea,’  and it will be done for them.  The overriding condition was to believe and not doubt.  Jesus then followed with additional teaching.  Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe it is yours and you will receive it.  This is not a mantra to get whatever we want but a condition vital for fruitful prayer.

As we spend time praying through mission week, let us believe that God has both the power and the desire to bring in non Christians into His presence.  God longs for men to be saved.  He takes pleasure in the death of no one.  As we pray, we can pray with confidence that God hears our prayers and that our prayers are in line with the Bible.  You and I can confidently stand before God asking for the salvation of non believers.


m Pray that God would grant each one of us a growth in our faith.  Ask God for a growing knowledge and a growing experience of his ability to do the impossible.

m Pray that we will see many people coming to the kingdom through this week’s activities.  Pray that the kingdom of God would grow.

m Pray that the movie night or games night would be successful in growing the kingdom of our Lord.  Pray that there will be many Christians present to talk to non Christians and to share the good news with them.

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