Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Philippians 2:14-18

Imagine that you have two different friends. One is a total wet blanket. They are always complaining, always dragging you into some crisis and always upset about something which is going on in the world. The other friend is the total opposite. They are always happy to get together with you, they always smile and, whatever their circumstances, they are always joyful. No matter what is going on in their lives they take a moment to be positive and thankful for the good things which are happening in their lives. Which friend will you want to be around more? Would you choose to spend time with your friend who always complains and has terrible things to say or would you prefer to be around your positive friend?


It is easy to think of other people in those categories but where do we fit? Should Christians be wet blankets? What sort of message would this send to others about our faith in Christ and our trust in God?


In these passages Paul encourages the Thessalonians to be people who, just like our positive friend, are joyful, prayerful and thankful in all circumstances. Our lives should be characterised by an attitude of joy and thankfulness which is expressed to God through unceasing, constant prayer and praise. Being joyful does not mean we are always happy to be in the situation we find ourselves, rather we always look to God for our strength and comfort and we can be confident that He is in control. Being joyful means that even in times of trouble and suffering we praise God and thank Him for His provision.


In Philippians Paul links this kind of attitude with the witness we have to those who don't know Jesus. Paul's words in verses 14-15 are especially encouraging. When we live joyfully and without complaining we will shine like stars in the sky, showing to others that Christ in us.


What about you? Do you live joyfully, thanking God always and constantly bringing things in prayer before him? Are you known by your co-workers as someone who never complains and is always joyful and thankful? Do the other kids at school see you as someone who is always praying and trusting God with your life? Do your friends and family see that you are a person who gives thanks in all circumstances? If we desire our Christian witness to be powerful and effective in this world we must strive to be these kinds of people.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.








¥ Pray that God would help you to have a deep, unshakable joy in all of your life. Pray that you would be constantly before him in prayer and praise and that you would trust Him in all things. Pray that as God grows an attitude of joy and thankfulness in the whole congregation that many non-believers would see and would be drawn to faith in Christ.

¥ Pray for all those families who are on school holidays at the moment. Pray that this time would be restful and that they might grow together as a family. Pray that God would give strength to the parents and that the children might love and obey their parents.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Spend some time together as a group sharing with each other things that you are thankful for.

2. Pray together thanking God for these things and praying that He would grow joy in your hearts.


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