Friday, 5 July 2013

Friday 5 July 2013

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, Romans 8:1-13

It seems to be the universal experience of the Christian person: we seek to follow after God with our whole heart, following Him in everything we do and yet we still fall into sin. Sometimes we entertain selfish, lustful or hateful thoughts. Sometimes we gossip or slander each other. Sometimes we harbor resentment and unforgiveness in our hearts. This is not the sort of Holy, pure life that Paul commands earlier in his letter (1 Thessalonians 4:1-8).


If we keep falling down how do we strive for lives of holiness? Paul's words here in Thessalonians 5 provide great encouragement. He prays that God would do the work of sanctification in the lives of the Thessalonians and he reminds them that God is faithful and He will complete the work. Paul is reminding them that they do not have to strive for holiness in their own power. Instead, God is working in their lives to make them more like Him.


We see in Romans 8 that Paul explains this in a little more detail. Firstly we are set free from all condemnation in the death and resurrection of Christ (vs 1-2). Jesus is the sin offering to God on our behalf (vs 4). He takes the penalty and consequence of our sins for us to make us right with God. If we are in Christ Jesus the righteous requirement of the law has been fully satisfied for us! (vs 4) Hallelujah!


Next, if we are in Christ Jesus, God promises to give us the Holy Spirit which works in our lives to make us more like Christ and to help us to overcome sin in our lives (vs 9-11). This is a great encouragement. We can be confident that, if we are in Christ, God is working in our lives to make us more like Him. However, this does not absolve the Christian from any responsibility to strive for holiness. Notice in Verse 13 that Paul commands us to put to death the misdeeds of the body by the spirit. This is not a passive act, this is an active, constant striving for holiness.


Think about your own life. If you are a person who is quick to make little of sin and ignore its terrible effects on your life then remember that we are to be people who strive for holiness. There are no excuses to live in sin if Christ is in you.


If, on the other hand, you are discouraged about your seemingly constant failure to live up to God's righteous standard remember that God is faithful and it is by His power that sanctification occurs. Be confident that He will carry this work through to completion.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.







¥ Pray that God would help you to strive for holiness in every area of your life. Pray that the Holy Spirit would convict you and show you any areas of sinfulness in your life. Pray that God would give you the strength to overcome this sin in His strength.

¥ Pray for the youth of your church. Pray that God would grow in their hearts a great passion for Him and for His church. Pray that they would strive for holiness in every aspect of their lives and that they would seek to share their faith with others.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. What sort of things can you do and habits can you build individually to strive for holiness?

2. How can you practically encourage one another to strive for holiness?


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