Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Read: Acts 1:1-9, Acts 2:1-13

Have you ever been asked to do a task and not given adequate tools or resources to do it? Maybe you had to do a research assignment at school and couldn't find any useful references to use in your assignment. Maybe you were given a task at work which you hadn't been trained to do and you weren't given any help. Maybe you decided to do a DIY construction project at home and realised you didn't have the tools you needed. It's frustrating isn't it? If you're given the task by a superior you might even feel abandoned or used. How can they expect you to do the project without help?


God has given us a massive project, to reach the world with His gospel and to share Him with others, but God does not leave us without the help we need to accomplish this task. God doesn't abandon us to complete the mission on our own. God doesn't use us to do something that He doesn't want to do or won't do. God Himself is the one who gives us the power and the tools to engage the world with the gospel.


Notice the flow in Acts 1:8. Before Jesus gives the disciples the great commission in verse 8 He promises them that they will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them. Then they are to be witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the Earth. God promises the disciples the Holy Spirit—that is, the power to accomplish the mission that He has given them.


See what happens in Acts 2 when the disciples receive the Holy Spirit as God has promised. The result is incredible! The Holy Spirit enables the disciples with abilities which aren't their own, abilities to proclaim the gospel in foreign tongues. As a result a large crowd gathered out of curiosity and bewilderment and the gospel was preached. In Acts 2:40-41 we see the incredible result of the Spirit's work—about 3,000 believers were added to their number that day.


Do you feel intimidated or discouraged by this incredible task that God has given His people? Do you feel that it's impossible for you to reach others with the gospel and share Christ with them? Always remember that God is the one who gives the power and enables the sharing of the gospel. When you became a believer God gave you the Holy Spirit to empower you. Without God these things are impossible, with God they are just another day's work.


Do you dream big when you think about engaging your workplace, your school, your family, your friends and even your city with the gospel? If the Holy Spirit provides the power, anything is possible. If we desire to see God work powerfully this way in our lives then we must pray that He would fill us with His spirit and that He would work powerfully in our lives. Only then will we see God work powerfully.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









¥ Praise God that He gives us the Holy Spirit to equip us and enable us to accomplish His mission. Pray that God would fill you with His Holy Spirit so that you might be able to engage those in your life with the gospel. Pray that God would fill you and all those in your church with a passion to share Him with others.

¥ Pray for all the small groups and families that are gathering over God's word throughout this week. Pray that that God would change lives through His word and that we would challenge and encourage each other to engage the world with the gospel.


My Additional Prayer Points.





Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. What is the biggest challenge in sharing the Gospel? Take some time to think through it and consider the specific issue, doubt, or fear that might hinder you from sharing your faith. Discuss practical ideas with your group about how you might overcome them.

2. Take some time to consider your dream or vision of the Kingdom. What would it look like? Does it align with God’s vision of the Kingdom? What can you be doing to work towards God’s vision of the Kingdom?


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