Saturday, 20 July 2013

Saturday 20 July 2013

Read: Luke 19:1-10

You can often tell when someone has had a life changing experience. If the experience is a good one most people won't be able to stop talking about it. All of their friends, their family, their co-workers and even the checkout person at the supermarket will hear about it. If the experience is a bad one they may not talk about it but the change in their behavior, attitude and speech will all reveal that something significant has happened.


Having a relationship with Jesus is no different. When we come to know Christ as our savior our lives are totally changed forever. There are few more striking examples of this than the story of Zacchaeus. Before meeting Jesus, Zacchaeus was a crooked chief tax collector. These people weren't just like the taxman in our day and age. When the Roman army invaded Israel certain Jews volunteered to take taxes off their own people to give to the occupying government. More often than not they would take extra taxes than what was actually owed and pocketed the difference. These people were not only traitors but thieves who would steal off their own people to line their own pockets. Zacchaeus was most likely wealthy by stealing from others.


Something incredible happens to Zacchaeus in this passage. After an encounter with Jesus, Zacchaeus' life is immediately and dramatically changed. Rather than steal from the oppressed Zacchaeus responds by immediately giving half of his possessions to the poor and by repaying four times the amount to those whom he had cheated. Zacchaeus can't help but have his life changed as a result of his encounter with Jesus.


It's easy for our passion for Christ to wear out the longer we walk in relationship with Him. We need to remind ourselves every day of the immensity of what Christ has done on our behalf and we must constantly pray that God would grow in our heart a passion and a love for Him.


Has your life been totally changed as a result of your relationship with Jesus? Can you not help but share with others the wonder of what Christ has done for you? Do you desire to see other's lives transformed by relationship with Jesus also? Are you bursting at the seams to engage the world with the gospel?



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









Pray for all those in your life who aren't followers of Jesus. Pray that God would work in their hearts and that their lives might also be transformed by a relationship with Jesus. Pray that God would provide opportunities for you to share the gospel with them and that you would have courage to take advantage of those opportunities

Pray for the gathering of the church around your city and around the world tomorrow. Pray that the word of God would be faithfully and boldly preached. Pray that God's people would be encouraged and challenged to apply their faith. Pray that visitors to churches around the world would come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Pray that God's kingdom would be grown around the world.


My Additional Prayer Points.






Coming Up: Sonday July 28, 2013

ENGAGE: Inspire



Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Spend some time discussing God’s great grace to us. Share with each other how you came to know Jesus.

2. Are there situations in your life where you do not forgive others? Share those with the group.


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