Read: Luke 19:1-10
We might tend to think that we have very little to offer Jesus. We might feel that we do not have many skills or abilities. We think that we are not brave and courageous like many of the biblical heroes and the heroes of the faith. And when we compare ourselves with those whom we consider to be the ‘giants’ of the faith we feel helplessly inadequate.
If there was anyone who had little to offer Jesus it was Zacchaeus. In fact, Zacchaeus was so little that he had to climb a tree to even catch a glimpse of Jesus. Not only was he small in stature but he was a tax collector, a traitor to his people and a lackey of the Roman empire. Zacchaeus had acquired his wealth by extorting and conning people out of their money in the name of an enemy oppressor. This one encounter with Jesus changed Zacchaeus’ life immediately and forever. Straight away Zacchaeus repented of his sin and made amends for what he had done.
Did this change stick? What could God have done with little Zacchaeus? The story is amazing. According to church history, Zacchaeus later become the bishop of Caesarea, the church leader of an entire city. Imagine the kind of influence and impact that Zacchaeus must have had for the sake of the gospel. Imagine the power of this man sharing about how an encounter with Jesus changed his life forever.
Do you still think you have little to offer Jesus? That’s true. In fact, we all have very little (if not nothing) to offer Jesus. Zacchaeus was just a tax collector and conman. What made Zacchaeus’ life powerful and effective for the sake of the gospel was an encounter with Jesus and the grace of God being worked out in his life.
We have a relationship with Jesus Christ. We know the salvation that comes through faith in Him We have been given the Holy Spirit to empower us because of our relationship with Him. We have the same resources that Zacchaeus had. We too have God’s grace lavished upon us through Jesus. Despite the fact that we don’t think that we have much to offer Jesus, Jesus can use us in mighty ways for his kingdom. Are we willing to step out in faith and be used by Him?
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
Praise God that despite us having nothing to offer Him, He lavished His grace upon us. Praise God that He uses us for His kingdom despite all our weaknesses. Pray that He would use you to serve the church and that His power would be evident in your life.
Pray for the playpals ministry which is meeting at ChristLife this morning. Pray that many community mums would come to be involved. Pray that the church mums would demonstrate the love of Christ to them and that their hearts would be softened to Him.
My Additional Prayer Points.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Spend some time discussing God’s great grace to us. Share with each other how you came to know Jesus.
2. Are there situations in your life where you do not forgive others? Share those with the group.
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