Read: Exodus 35:30-35; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
What does it mean to be gifted? Is it brilliant intelligence? Is it amazing creativity? Is it world-record breaking athleticism? Additionally, what does it mean to be spiritually gifted? Is it the roof-raising voice of a worship leader? Is it the soul-searching, life-changing voice of a preacher? Is it the comforting, gentle touch of a pastoral carer?
For many people, there is a difference between natural ability and the spiritual gifts described by Paul, however, it is far from exhaustive and definitive of what defines "spiritual gifts." Rather, God gives us a very different picture to consider regarding the nature of gifts, talents, and abilities. We find one such example in Exodus, during the building of the Tabernacle (Exodus 35:30–35).
Notice that God filled the artists and craftsmen with the Spirit of God (v. 31), enabling them to make the artistic designs required for His Tabernacle. Paul uses exactly the same type of language in describing the spiritual gifts given to God's people, "to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good" (v. 7). What we need to recognise is that the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, enables each and every one of us with gifts, talents, and abilities—natural and spiritual—for the common good.
Eric Liddell (depicted in the film Chariots of Fire (1981)), gold medal sprinter and international rubgy player, went to China as a missionary in 1925, after winning his gold medal at the Paris Olympics in 1924. Joni Eareckson Tada, a quadriplegic at 18 years old, is a passionate artist and singer who advocates for the disabled. And the ailing ol' man who repeats himself over and over whispering words of wisdom to those who will stop to hear.
The question to ask is not what gift, talent, or ability you have; rather, how are you using your gifts, talents, and abilities for the common good? Whether your gifts are natural talents or spiritual gifts, they are given to you for the purposes of God.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
Pray that God would show you opportunities to use your giftings for the sake of His kingdom. Pray that God would give wisdom to those who do not know their spiritual gifts and that each person would get involved in serving the church body with their gifts.
Pray for all the children who are back at school now after holidays. Pray that God would help them in their schooling and that they might be witnesses for Him in their schools and communities. Pray that in the chaos and business of life that both adults and children would have time to pause and to spend time with God.
My Additional Prayer Points.
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